Updated my config. It's worth checking out

Hello everyone. I updated my NixOS configuration at NixOS Integration / nixos-modular-configuration · GitLab and it is awesome. The old version was so-so, but this one rocks.
It is designed to:

  • Put together multiple networks quickly.
  • Has overrides to a shared config for each network.
  • Has overrides to a shared config on each host.
  • Each host is defined using a list of files to load.
  • Users are defined for each network and are assigned access control for specific systems.
  • Code re-use using functions.
  • Extremely easy to use yet very powerful.

Please note that I welcome anyone who is skilled to work on it and improve it.

I wrote this for personal and business use and I love NixOS so much I figured I give something back to the community.

Note that this is not any old config. It is useful for everybody and most of the work is already done for you.

It does use the unstable branch however, but the stable branch can be used by prefixed the pkg name with “stable”.
