I have been building a configuration to allow me to easily scale up a networked server which runs a web server. This can be used for any configuration whether a single computer, home office, or anything you can think of.
I feel that NixOS is the best solution for this complex task.
One file, “hosts.nix” contains the configuration for each computer on the network. A “users.nix” configuration allows one to create or remove users and assign them access control on a host performing a specific task.
Each host contains a list that defines what is to be loaded on that host.
Secrets are placed within each network that hosts are running.
In essence, you have separation of networks, hosts, users, and jobs.
While not yet complete, I welcome the community to make improvements to it whether documentation, configuration, or anything you can think of.
I designed it to be easy to use and any veteran or new user should be able to get it up and running in no time.
It can be found at NixOS Integration / nixos-modular-configuration · GitLab.
P.S. It does not use flakes or home manager.
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