Use disko with `nixos-rebuild build-vm-with-bootloader` or something similar

Hello, I’m figuring a way to quickly generate VMs to test out different disko configurations.
I hoped that nixos-rebuild build-vm-with-bootloader will use disko to do partitioning, but apparently it’s not the case.

Can anyone suggest some easy workflow to generate VMs from nixos configurations with disko disk partitioning schemes?

have you managed to figure this out?

well, sorta:

I’ve settled with the approach described in disko repo: disko/docs/ at bad376945de7033c7adc424c02054ea3736cf7c4 · nix-community/disko · GitHub

so it’s not a one-line solution, and it requires generating intermediate raw image, so it’s not quite a one-liner, but it does solve the problem

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