Using git to handle and manage `configuration.nix`

In my brief experience so far playing with NixOS as a Virtual Box guest o/s (the demo appliance provided), I quickly learned how fragile the configuration.nix file is and how hard it can be to identify which line or curly brace is the source of a problem. For example, I tried installing Xfce. When I ran $ sudo nixos-rebuild switch, it was broken. So I tried commenting out the lines but that didn’t resolve the issue. I tried commenting out and uncommenting in other lines which produced a similar but not quite the same error when running $ sudo nixos-rebuild switch. I was caught in an hours-long cycle of commenting out certain lines, saving, rebuilding, uncommenting other lines, saving, rebuilding (repeat).

Eventually I resolved to reloading a vanilla VirtualBox demo appliance and being more careful with the changes I make.

Having said all of that, I came up with a potential solition: git. I could commit each state of the /etc/nixos/configuration.nix file before each rebuild and then if I wreck the configration with a recent change, I could just roll back or revert to a prior git commit.

I’ve seen other NixOS users use services such as codeberg / gitlab / github for storing their NixOS configurations. So it’s possible. I am just left wondering - - how do they do it? I ask because /etc/nixos/ (or any config inside /etc/) is sudo’er territory meaning that it is write protected. I would think that it would be a very bad idea and non-secure technique to initilize a git repo inside /etc/nixos/.

So what would you people recommend NixOS admins use to track their configuration.nix version history to enable them to roll back to a last known good state using git?

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There are many different approaches.I simply sudo then manipulate the files using git. Backup the result periodically rather than use something like github (mainly because I am using a single config for multiple machines and haven’t worked out an effective approach yet).

I think Nix and NixOS are definitely “do what you want” rather than “do what others do” way of working.

my whole config is in $HOME. You just have to tell nixos-rebuild to look into $HOME instead of /etc/nix. As I use flakes, it looks like :
nixos-rebuild --flake ~/home --override-input nixpkgs ~/nixpkgs --use-remote-sudo switch.

--use-remote-sudo allows to differ the need for credentials right before switching, which I believe is more secure.


If all NixOS admins handle /etc/nixos/configuration.nix differently - - and no two approaches are the same as you say - - where each individual user approaches administering their configurations like a unique (snow) ‘flake’ - - then I want to learn from as many as possible because the problematic default way that I outlined in my OP above is clearly broken. If everyone is different then that is even a better reason to solicit best practices from others. I don’t intend to copy exactly what someone else does. I just want to explore what options are out there.

I got a symlink arrangement to work with my new GitHub repo.

Here are the steps I used (for my future reference and to help any else out there who may be as curious as I was when I started this thread):

  1. Move /etc/nixos/configuration.nix to the locally cloned GitHub repo in the user’s home directory.

    • If you run $ ls -la then you’ll notice the owner and group permission for this file is still set to root.
  2. To resolve this, change ownership. In my case in my VBox demo appliance, the user is demo and the group is users. Here is the required command: $ sudo chown demo:users configuration.nix. In prod when I make the leap-of-faith and commit to migrating from my native Manjaro installation to NixOS, the user name will not be ‘demo’. So change accordingly.

    • This is also required: $ chmod +w configuration.nix
  3. In /etc/nixos/, run:

    $ sudo ln -s ~/<your-github-repo-name>/configuration.nix .
  • To emphasize: take note of the trailing “.” at the end.
  • Additional point of clarification: The recommended command #3 here will only work inside /etc/nixos/ as working directory. If you try to complete the symbolic link by invoking the ln -s command from within the repo directory, it won’t work. So be careful with this too.

The end product should look like this:

Now I have userland version control of configuration.nix using git. The advantage is that now when I track every change I make, if I bork the configuration with a syntax error or some other hard to diagnose, I can very easily revert back to the last known working state. Excellent! I am stoked.

If I ever start a fresh install and I clone my repo with, I just need to change directory into /etc/nixos, remove configuration.nix, and then issue the symbolic link command above. All that is left to do is run $ nixos-rebuild switch and it will swap to the config and start building.


After exploring some more NixOS and Flakes documentation around the web, I discovered @ryan4yin’s Flakes book which has a specific section covering how to handle configuration files with git:

Thank you Ryan!

I am sharing this here for others but also in part for my future reference.


That’s true, but more something like this (if it works, I’ll update laterrr):