Using sops-nix in virtualisation.oci-containers

Ive been trying to setup wg-easy

{config, ...}: {
  sops.secrets.vpn_pass = {};
  virtualisation.oci-containers.containers."wireguard" = {
    image = "";
    autoStart = true;
    ports = [
    volumes = [
    environment = {
      LANG = "en";
      WG_HOST = "";
      PASSWORD = config.sops.secrets.vpn_pass;
      PORT = "51821";
      WG_PORT = "51820";
    extraOptions = [

but i get
definition for option virtualisation.oci-containers.containers.wireguard.environment.PASSWORD' is not of type string’

You can only use options that read from files. The environment option seems to require a string, which means that it wouldn’t work with encrypted files.
However from a quick look in the documentation it seems that you can use the environmentFiles option:

Ty i was trying for a few hours now