Very strange timezone behavior in Bash prompt

I suspect this is more to do with Bash than with Nix, but I’ve noticed some very surprising timezone behavior when displaying the current timestamp in a Bash prompt. I’ve paired it down to a minimal reproducible example.

Given the following shell.nix,

(import <nixpkgs> { }).mkShell {
  shellHook = ''
    PS1='\t  > '

when I enter the nix-shell, my prompt shows the current time in UTC:

$ nix-shell
23:38:30  > true
23:38:33  > true
23:38:36  >

If I change shell.nix so that a shell function is invoked to render the prompt,

(import <nixpkgs> { }).mkShell {
  shellHook = ''
    noop() { : ; }
    PS1='\t $(noop) > '

it initially shows the current time in UTC, but subsequent renders show it in my local time zone:

$ nix-shell
23:38:42  > true
18:38:45  > true
18:38:47  >

What do you make of this?

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I’m not sure it’s the same thing, but this reminds me a little of a bash timezone caching bug I reported this summer (printf builtin retains timezone from un-set TZ environment variable ; IIRC has been fixed, but the fix isn’t released yet).

I wonder a little if it’s actually the subshell causing it to recalculate, rather than the function call.


Invoking a subshell or an external command seems to fix it. This sounds like the timezone caching bug to me.


Interesting. It does appear to be the subshell, rather than the function call. The following setup behaves the same as the one with the function call:

(import <nixpkgs> { }).mkShell {
  shellHook = ''
    PS1='\t $(:) > '

With the original

(import <nixpkgs> { }).mkShell {
  shellHook = ''
    PS1='\t  > '

running /bin/echo hi at the prompt will also fix the timezone (running it from within the shell hook oddly won’t). So it’s not just subshells. Or running echo $(:) at the prompt will do it too. It seems like it’s the spawning of a new process that fixes it, though again I don’t know why doing it from within the shell hook doesn’t work.

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