Vesktop not detecting mic inputs

vesktop is not detecting any inputs from my mic i have using pipewire

audio works if it is connected via Bluetooth

i have tried to use discord its same problem

Try opening pavucontrol and taking a look at the Configuration tab. Do you see the device there? Also see the Input Devices tab. Do you see the mic there?

yes i did use pavucontrol .i dd check diff options for mic
i get this

Perhaps your microphone is muted. Try finding it using alsamixer and toggling the mute option, if you find it. Also the volume.

i have looked into it volume is full… no change this is my config iam i missing something

  security.rtkit.enable = true;
  services.pipewire = {
    enable = true;
    pulse.enable = true;
    alsa = {
      enable = true;
      support32Bit = true;
    wireplumber = {
      enable = true;
      extraConfig = {
        "10-disable-camera" = {
          "wireplumber.profiles" = {
            main."monitor.libcamera" = "disabled";
  hardware.pulseaudio.enable = false;

  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ pavucontrol ];

Can other programs use the microphone?

yes other programs works fine

when i use pulseaudio its work but pulseaudio gives some problems while using

For what it’s worth, I just tried vesktop for the first time and mic seems to pick up sound. And I don’t get this warning.

I’m using nixpkgs-unstable. Are you?

yes im also using nixpkgs-unstable i have asked orthers they said its works for them . i dnt want went wrong with my system

You could share your full config to possibly get more help.

Is there any logging on stderr?

nothing like that. Is there a way to see log

Consider searching upstream

what does upstream mean??

The Vesktop project.

i try to ask in discord they said its not upto them they just provide client

I meant consider finding out upstream whether there’s any way to get more verbose logging for the purpose of finding out what the issue is.

not sure how to do this. i will look