Vim-nixhash: a neovim plugin to fix the fake TOFU sha256 in your nix files

I grew tired of manually filling sha256 with all zeros, then running nix-build and copy pasting the correct hash back into neovim. I also never took the time to learn the various nix-prefetch* utilities, and which ones work with what fetchers. Also it is easy to copy paste incorrectly when there are several hashes to fix.

I am proud to announce a neovim plugin that does the job for you: instead of running :!nix-build -A foo and copy pasting the hash from the error message, run :NixHash nix-build -A foo and have the hash fixed in the currently opened buffer!


Is there a similar plugin for Emacs?

I recently discovered that assigning sha256 = ""; has the same effect as padding with all zeroes. Been improvement in terms of usability.


I have no idea, sorry.

There is also lib.fakeSha256 which can be used in place of all zeros.

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Instead or rather complementary to passing an attribute name, could it use a crude approach in visual mode, like I select the block of code in src = ... and with a regex the plugin identifies the hash as e1089b093caaf088e9ce0c0cda1a062d89ee3c08, and updates the sha256 field.

  tasty-golden = prev.haskell.lib.addBuildDepend (prev.haskell.lib.overrideSrc hprev.tasty-golden {
        src = prev.fetchzip {
          url = "";
          sha256 = "sha256-CJe7ziVkm1oThH4WqozDbti2aHFXKHf47jN0Hr4L4iM=";

In an ideal world, we would have a treesitter grammar that can identify the block and return the relevant component.


Instead or rather complementary to passing an attribute name, could it use a crude approach in visual mode, like I select the block of code in src = ... and with a regex the plugin identifies the hash as e1089b093caaf088e9ce0c0cda1a062d89ee3c08 , and updates the sha256 field.

I don’t understand. The way it currently works is that when it finds a got: aaaaaa wanted: bbbbb error message in the command output it replaces aaaaa by bbbbb. So there is no need to point it to the right src = ... block.

So there is no need to point it to the right src = ... block.

but if there is no attribute name or way to reference the package how can you update it ?

With a visual selection in nvim, the user could tell the plugin “no need for an attribute, juste look for revision and hash in this selection”

but if there is no attribute name or way to reference the package how can you update it ?

You can run :NixHash nix-build -A anything_that_depends_on_it. If you can’t do that, then your project does not depend on this hash so it’s dead code.

I usually just do r0 i.e. change one character to zero. Good enough to invalidate it, and the chances of a collision are the same as with the all-zero-hash :slight_smile:

@symphorien I’ve just installed and used this to update my home-manager. I anticipate it being lifechanging; thank you so much. Automatically replacing the broken hashes is such a benefit, that “just replace with an empty string” completely fails to address. So good!

I’ve opened a couple issues on the github repo, but I didn’t want them to come across as criticism. Happy to produce PRs if wanted.