Vivaldi Crashes on Plasma 6 in both X11 and Wayland

inxi -F

 ⚡ root@Mulder  /etc/nixos  inxi -F
  Host: Mulder Kernel: 6.6.7-zen1 x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: KDE Plasma 6 
  Distro: NixOS 24.05 (Uakari) 
  Type: Desktop System: Dell product: OptiPlex 7010 v: 01 serial: 692CK02 
  Mobo: Dell model: 0YXT71 v: A02 serial: /692CK02/CN722003CH02BP/ UEFI: Dell v: A21 
  date: 12/21/2015 
  Info: Quad Core model: Intel Core i5-3470 bits: 64 type: MCP cache: L2: 6 MiB 
  Speed: 3193 MHz min/max: 1600/3200 MHz Core speeds (MHz): 1: 3193 2: 3193 3: 3193 
  4: 3193 
  Message: No device data found. 
  Device-1: HD Pro Webcam C920 type: USB driver: snd-usb-audio,uvcvideo 
  Display: wayland server: driver: loaded: N/A 
  resolution: <missing: xdpyinfo> 
  Message: Unable to show advanced data. Required tool glxinfo missing. 
  Device-1: HDA Intel PCH driver: HDA-Intel 
  Device-2: HDA ATI HDMI driver: HDA-Intel 
  Device-3: HD Pro Webcam C920 type: USB driver: snd-usb-audio,uvcvideo 
  Sound Server-1: ALSA v: k6.6.7-zen1 running: yes 
  Sound Server-2: PulseAudio v: 16.1 running: yes 
  Message: No device data found. 
  IF-ID-1: docker0 state: down mac: 02:42:d5:d5:f1:3c 
  IF-ID-2: eno1 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: f8:b1:56:c8:07:53 
  IF-ID-3: wlp3s0 state: down mac: ce:25:9f:46:77:7c 
  Device-1: N/A type: USB driver: btusb 
  Report: rfkill ID: hci0 rfk-id: 0 state: down bt-service: not found rfk-block: 
  hardware: no software: no address: see --recommends 
  Local Storage: total: 931.51 GiB used: 192.27 GiB (20.6%) 
  ID-1: /dev/sda vendor: Samsung model: SSD 860 EVO 1TB size: 931.51 GiB 
  ID-1: / size: 898.51 GiB used: 192.11 GiB (21.4%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/sda2 
  ID-2: /boot size: 511 MiB used: 162.6 MiB (31.8%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/sda1 
  ID-1: swap-1 type: partition size: 17.08 GiB used: 0 KiB (0.0%) dev: /dev/sda3 
  Missing: Required tool sensors not installed. Check --recommends 
  Processes: 308 Uptime: 1h 55m Memory: 15.52 GiB used: 6.79 GiB (43.8%) Shell: Zsh 
  inxi: 3.3.04 
 ⚡ root@Mulder  /etc/nixos  

Crash details

qt.qpa.plugin: Could not find the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in ""
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx.

[1226/162649.867669:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
[1226/] read out of range
[1]    70332 abort (core dumped)  vivaldi


1 Like

Vivaldi has today started crashing on its startup for me in NixOS stable 23.11, Pantheon, X11.

I think it was initially working after my recent update to NixOS 23.11 from 23.05.

System:    Host: sanguinalis Kernel: 6.1.69 x86_64 bits: 64 Desktop: Pantheon Distro: NixOS 23.11 (Tapir) 
Machine:   Type: Desktop Mobo: ASUSTeK model: Pro WS X570-ACE v: Rev X.0x serial: <superuser required> 
           UEFI: American Megatrends v: 0702 date: 07/04/2019 
CPU:       Info: 8-Core model: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X bits: 64 type: MT MCP cache: L2: 4 MiB 
           Speed: 3595 MHz min/max: 2200/3600 MHz Core speeds (MHz): 1: 3595 2: 3600 3: 3594 4: 3593 5: 3593 6: 3600 7: 3597 
           8: 3593 9: 3592 10: 3600 11: 3593 12: 3600 13: 3592 14: 3600 15: 3600 16: 3595 
Graphics:  Message: No device data found. 
           Display: x11 server: driver: loaded: N/A resolution: <missing: xdpyinfo> 
           Message: Unable to show advanced data. Required tool glxinfo missing. 
Audio:     Device-1: HDA NVidia driver: HDA-Intel 
           Device-2: HD-Audio Generic driver: HDA-Intel 
           Device-3: FiiO DigiHug USB Audio type: USB driver: hid-generic,snd-usb-audio,usbhid 
           Sound Server-1: ALSA v: k6.1.69 running: yes 
           Sound Server-2: PipeWire v: 0.3.85 running: yes 
Network:   Message: No device data found. 
           IF-ID-1: enp6s0 state: up speed: 1000 Mbps duplex: full mac: 9c:5c:8e:bc:20:60 
           IF-ID-2: enp7s0f1 state: down mac: 9c:5c:8e:bc:e3:b0 
RAID:      Device-1: data type: zfs status: ONLINE level: mirror-0 size: 508 GiB free: 448 GiB 
           Components: Online: N/A 
Drives:    Local Storage: total: raw: 3.68 TiB usable: 4.18 TiB used: 84.79 GiB (2.0%) 
           ID-1: /dev/nvme0n1 vendor: Western Digital model: WD BLACK SN850X HS 2000GB size: 1.82 TiB 
           ID-2: /dev/nvme1n1 vendor: Patriot model: Viper M.2 VPN100 size: 953.87 GiB 
           ID-3: /dev/nvme2n1 vendor: Patriot model: Viper M.2 VPN100 size: 953.87 GiB 
Partition: ID-1: / size: 128 GiB used: 24.33 GiB (19.0%) fs: btrfs dev: /dev/dm-0 
           ID-2: /boot/efi size: 3.99 GiB used: 44.5 MiB (1.1%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/nvme2n1p2 
Swap:      Alert: No swap data was found. 
Sensors:   Missing: Required tool sensors not installed. Check --recommends 
Info:      Processes: 488 Uptime: 2h 22m Memory: 31.27 GiB used: 7.05 GiB (22.6%) Shell: Bash inxi: 3.3.04

A few runs from the terminal showing differing output:

[david@sanguinalis:~]$ vivaldi 
[14214:14214:0108/] Cloud management controller initialization aborted as CBCM is not enabled.
libva error: vaGetDriverNames() failed with unknown libva error
[14214:14214:0108/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.GetActive: object_path= /org/freedesktop/ScreenSaver: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: This method is not implemented
[0108/170141.898174:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
[0108/170141.898528:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
[0108/] read out of range
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

[david@sanguinalis:~]$ vivaldi 
[14957:14957:0108/] Cloud management controller initialization aborted as CBCM is not enabled.
libva error: vaGetDriverNames() failed with unknown libva error
[14957:14957:0108/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.GetActive: object_path= /org/freedesktop/ScreenSaver: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: This method is not implemented
[0108/170641.245940:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
[0108/170641.246441:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
[0108/] read out of range
51092933900736:error:1000007d:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal:CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED:../../chromium/third_party/boringssl/src/ssl/
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

[david@sanguinalis:~]$ vivaldi
[15858:15858:0108/] Cloud management controller initialization aborted as CBCM is not enabled.
libva error: vaGetDriverNames() failed with unknown libva error
[15858:15858:0108/] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.GetActive: object_path= /org/freedesktop/ScreenSaver: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: This method is not implemented
[0108/171313.755295:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
[0108/171313.755630:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
[0108/] read out of range
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Before the last run, I tried renaming the ~/.cache/vivaldi directory to something else. It took a couple of/few seconds longer for the crash to happen.

Edit: I’ve just tried renaming ~/.config/vivaldi directory to something else, and I now seem to have a default-config Vivaldi running okay. I’ll try reinstalling the couple of extensions I was using (a password manager and Stylus) and see what happens.

Edit 2: the two extensions I’ve reinstalled don’t seem to currently be causing crashes.

@PapalPenguin, if you don’t mind losing your workspaces/tabs/sessions, deleting/renaming ~/.config/vivaldi might be worth a try. I tried copying the ~/.config/vivaldi/Default/Sessions directory from the old directory to the new, and it has restored some, but not all, I think, of my workspaces’ tabs.

For anyone getting qt plugin/xcb sth issue:

run vivaldi --disable-features=AllowQt argument to command line could make the browser start.