Volga Sprint (August 2024)

Hey everyone!

Following in the footsteps of great events like Thaiger Sprint and Ocean Sprint, I’ve decided to organise another Nix sprint in August this year: Volga Sprint!


As DavHau put it in another thread, these sprints really are an enabler for the community: Hanging out with like-minded and experienced Nix users can unblock you on projects, lead to new ideas, and also just be plain fun!

Volga Sprint will take place in Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan in Russia, from August 22-29. As usual the event itself is free, but the number of spots is limited, so please sign up on https://volgasprint.org if you’re interested in joining! Registrations will close in May.

We also still have some sponsor slots available, both for individuals and organisations. Details are on the website, but you can also write to sponsors@volgasprint.org or ping Mark and/or me directly.

Hope to see you there!


This week will be the last week before we close the signups. We’re technically already at the limit, but I suspect a few people will have plans change and so on so a few spots should open up again.

Location is sorted out and we’re doing pre-runs of merch now :slight_smile:

For those thinking about coming but unsure about visas etc.: We’ll help out with that, just let us know in the signup form that you need help.

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