Vscodium with extensions?

On nixos-unstable, I use vscode with a couple of extensions, which require a JDK. Inspired by VSCode extensions setup - #4 by danbst, this works for me:

(nixpkgs-vscode.vscode-with-extensions.override {
      vscode = nixpkgs-vscode.vscode.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
        buildInputs = oldAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ jdk11 ];
      vscodeExtensions = with nixpkgs-vscode.vscode-extensions; [

(nixpkgs-vscode is just a branch of nixpkgs where I added those extensions:

nixpkgs-vscode = import (/home/aengelen/nixpkgs-vscode) { 
  config.allowUnfree = true;


This works great, but I figured it might be nice to use vscodium instead of vscode. So I added:

(nixpkgs-vscode.vscode-with-extensions.override {
      vscode = nixpkgs-vscode.vscodium.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec {
        buildInputs = oldAttrs.buildInputs ++ [ jdk11 ];
      vscodeExtensions = with nixpkgs-vscode.vscode-extensions; [

This was less successful: first, codium would not start at all. Turns out this was because the launcher script tried to load extensions from /nix/store/6nac8lnrw1kxf650dl72kf71a0x1c66h-vscodium-extensions-1.41.0/share/vscodium/extensions rather than /nix/store/6nac8lnrw1kxf650dl72kf71a0x1c66h-vscodium-extensions-1.41.0/share/vscode/extensions.

After making a copy of the launcher script and fixing the extensions path, I can start codium and it sees the extensions, but it can’t find the JDK.

Am I on the right track? How would I diagnose and fix the JDK not being found? I suspect for vscode it’s getting it via the JAVA_HOME environment variable, but where it that set? (it’s not set in my shell session, so it must be set by some wrapper script?).

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Ah, nevermind, I had to set it in File->Preferences->Settings->Extensions->Metals->“Java Home”. The value /run/current-system/sw/lib/openjdk works.

To make this work out-of-the-box we should solve Auto-detecting Java installations somehow :wink:

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