Waylogout - Compositor does not support the input inhibitor protocol

Hi there,
I am rather new to nixos, but not to linux in general. I am using nixos with hyprland on the unstable branch. Now I want to use waylogout (not wlogout), but everytime I run it I get the error:

2024-07-11 21:11:56 - [main.c:1720] Compositor does not support the input inhibitor protocol, refusing to run insecurely

I searched the web, but couldn’t find a solution to fix the error. Almost all pages I found were related to swaylock (waylogout is based on swaylock), but they only said that I should update to the newest version of swaylock, because this version fixes error.
But I found nothing really related to waylogout. Does anybody knows how to fix the issue or has an idea?

Kind regards,

This isn’t a NixOS issue FWIW.

It kind of is what it says on the surface.
Hyprland likely does’t support this protocol.

My hypothesis is that waylogout tries to use an old version of the protocol that Hyprland no longer supports.
You should ask in the Hyprland Discord.

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Hi L-as,

thanks for your quick response, I will ask inside the hyprland discord if there is a way to get waylogout to work.
