Weekly NixOS Meetup in San Francisco at Noisebridge Wenesday May 1st at 7pm

more info here → Nix/NixOS Meetup · Luma

Last week there was a great discussion on nix and other software engineering topics, this week we are doing it again! If you are in the bay area looking to have a discussion about Nix and NixOS come to Noisebridge this Wednesday for NixOS discussion and workshops to become a Nix Power User!

I’m still working to get the event listed on Noisebridge but the space is open for us to meet.

The Address: 272 Capp St, San Francisco, CA 94110

If you have talks or presentation ideas for the meetup hit me up! We would love to hear them!

Join us on matrix if you have any questions! (non nixos matrix room until I can get one on official channels)


Had a great time at this weeks meetup! I forgot to take a selfie this time :roll_eyes: but I did take one of the cool table we sat at for the meetup before people showed up!

Had great discussions about devbox, nixos integration tests, impermanence mode, the state of infrastructure for nix enthusiasts and much more!

Also I’m going to start hosting this meetup by weekly so that we might get a more critical mass of people showing up. Stay tuned for the meetup link!

Looking forward to seeing more people in the next one!

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cool table. impermanence mode?

Erase your darlings: immutable infrastructure for mutable systems - Graham Christensen and Impermanence - NixOS Wiki explain the concept well but i’ll attempt to summarize for you here!

NixOS only needs /nix and /boot to work so you can put the rest of your / filesystem on a ephemeral file system. Whenever you reboot it will reset your file system which essentially gives you all the benefits of ephemeral environments on your local file system.

I’ve used this setup on my nixos laptop and have enjoyed using this set up a lot.