Today, we’re excited to welcome @lassulus / lassulus to the Moderation Team. He has graciously volunteered to help uphold the mission of having a safe and welcoming community.
Lassulus is a Nixpkgs committer and started contributing to Nixpkgs in 2015. He is probably best known for his efforts in creating disko, which allows declarative partitioning and formatting. Currently, he’s focused on the nixpkgs-merge-bot, while also tending to the newly created Wiki’s infrastructure.
Please help us welcome him to the team!
And, as a reminder to all:
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the project team at The team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
All official team information is available on the Moderation Team website.