What's wrong with the cache?

I merged the newest nixos-unstable (0ea7a8f1b939d74e5df8af9a8f7342097cdf69eb) and tried building mangohud but it tries to build a kernel:

these 15 derivations will be built:
building '/nix/store/g2zb66qgrw50xa90i5ha2pdca4as570n-linux-5.15.51.drv'...

Chain goes like this mangohudmangohud32libXNVCtrlnvidia_x11_390linuxPackages.kernel, that’s undesirable but at least understandable.

However, according to Hydra - Build 182191578 of job nixpkgs:trunk:mangohud.x86_64-linux, it should be cached? 3csrfq65glsyx5793294as3fl4i5lrn5 is the output path’s hash, as listed in the details tab and yet:

$ curl https://cache.nixos.org/3csrfq65glsyx5793294as3fl4i5lrn5.narinfo
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access Denied</Message><RequestId>AK2DGGCJ8ZJC5V4W</RequestId><HostId>YcJN7m6v+qZRmpLiMIjijoxUztqyitlwNJOohy4veslx72eTdAPm3iaFuZhWNy2k03yDYT9iu7o=</HostId></Error>

Someone else was having problems with WINE not being cached in the NixOS matrix channel earlier too.
Has something gone awry w.r.t. i686 builders?