Parts of the nixpkgs documention is generated from code, but I always have trouble finding things.
There is an RFC about it:
too many unspoken rules for nixpkgs PRs
I am writing a FAQ about my personal preferences. But many of them were found by routinely bumping on them.
barely any linting → “Please remove this newline”, “this function doesn’t use the proper case”
Another RFC:
fields in mkDerivation.meta have minimal descriptions and it isn’t clear when to use the optional fields
How precisely you say the descriptions are minimal?
Also, you can just ignore optional fields if you are in doubt.
package naming conventions aren’t clear. fresh, still, wrapped, unwrapped, bin … what?
Wrapped packages are there because many packages are not so useful without being wrapped first. E.g. X16 emulator needs a ROM that is distributed separately. The wrapper puts both together.
is because sometimes we provide both a source-based package and a binary one. Firefox is such an example.
Others are mostly because the upstream uses a similar naming.