Why are there no moderators to be found on this forum?

I’ve had the distinct displeasure of having a post of mine hidden, then restored, and now hidden again.
I got a message that the moderators have been modified, but this moderators haven’t even so much as responded to me. In other words, lights may be on there, but there’s nobody home.

So here’s my question:
Why is this community so broken?

I ask this question not to spew, but because this lack of moderation is actively harmful to the community. I hope that this thread sparks a much-needed debate and will lead to improvement, because a community this broken is a community that at its very best operates far below its potential.

The light is on and we are around. Your post was, as you expressed yourself, off-topic and people had been flagging it. I decided it would be fine to let it stand the first time, but when another flag came in there was already another post responding to yours. This is when I accepted the flag and hid the post.

Hope that makes sense.


I have also flagged one of your posts where you went off topic.

So from my perspective I do not see the community as broken ( but I understand that it can feel bad to have your post hidden! ).

My feelings don’t factor into it.

The problem is that you did that arbitrarily. In that very same thread about half of the posts are off topic. But those remain unhidden.

Additionally, that post had been hidden and restored before.
All you managed to do is censorship, and arbitrary censorship at that.

And then on top of that de mods make arbitrary decisions, backed by unsound and contradictory arguments (and I have archived proof of this).

So my assessment stands. This community is broken.

I doubt you know which post I am talking about.

I only have one post that was even hidden, so yes I know. And I absolutely know how arbitrary your action is. And, given the other posts there, how sad.

Everything I have said stands unaltered, and you have done nothing to change that.

In fact, you’re kind of loudly making my point for me, by failing to address the core issues.

Well, you seem very confident, even though you lack data of which post I have flagged. But you can assume what you like.

Given the tone you have been using in some of your replies, plus the accusations without data, I can not come to the same conclusion that you have. Quite the contrary.

I would like to leave a positive note to the moderators on this thread.

The community has different views and not all expectations can be met at all times.

There is only one post I’ve made that even seems to be controversial at all. It’s just Occam’s razor. So unless you’re even less tolerant than I can reasonably give you credit for based on your words and actions so far, I know precisely which post this is about.
But sure, call inference an assumption if you like.

I started this out with reasonable words, and in 3 separate instances those words have been met with various degrees of hostility, yours being the most recent. I’d give you props for trying to cover it up, except you’ve done a poor job of it.
How long would you take such hostile reactions lying down I wonder? The real answer is: not long, since you’re already reacting quite defensively after just one reaction on my part.
And my post wasn’t even actively hostile, merely pointed.

You have all the data you need, since you’re the one who flagged the post. Just read around the topic.

As for my conversation with the moderator, that’s a private conversation, and I assume was had with that expectation. So unless you convince that moderator that it’s OK to publish that, I won’t. Otherwise it’s akin to doxxing, which is something I won’t do, and something you cannot goad me into.

That should be the case yes. And yet you’ve shown yourself wholly intolerant of different views.
What does that say about you, I wonder?

What is clear though, is that all you seem to want is submission, rather than an open exchange. Therefore I’d say the productive part of this conversation with you is at an end.

This is moderation. Let it go.