Writing a text file containing the contents of a nix variable (plus other text)

Hi again,

how can I create a text file, that contains the contents of a variable defined in nix? Without having the whole script in the nix file?

Something like this, except I can use Nix variable my-nix-variable in the file:

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
  my-nix-variable = "test";
in {
  home.file = {
    ".config/some-file".source = dotfiles/some-file;

I found pkgs.writeText and .writeTextFile and others of that kidney, but all my tries failed to give the results.

Maybe I am missing the right syntax to use the variable in the file. I tried the example here but to no avail…

Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards,

For home.file specifically I think you can use .text instead of .source:

  home.file = {
    ".config/some-file".text = ''

Yes, but I would like to avoid having the whole script in my nix configuration.

I thought of something like “load the contents from the file and then replace any variables you might find”.

You’d need to make a derivation to achieve that realistically: Nixpkgs Manual

Alternatively you can use environment variables.


Take a look at the various substitution functions in the nixpkgs manual. You could, for instance, do:

{ pkgs, ... }:
  my-nix-variable = "test";
in {
  home.file = {
    ".config.some-file".source = pkgs.runCommand "some-drv" {} ''
      substitute ${./dotfiles/some-file} $out \
        --subst-var-by "A_NAME" ${my-nix-variable}

There’s various substitution methods in that section of the manual that may or may not be easier to use for your particular circumstance.

EDIT: Unrelated, but it’s hilarious that this happens so often that @TLATER and I respond with very similar explanations at virtually exactly the same time lol. Thank you for your contributions!


Thanks, any pointer on using environment variables?

Thanks, both to you and TLATER. I’ll give it a try!

This worked (after I noticed I had to use @A_NAME@ in the file, just A_NAME is not enough… :slight_smile:
Thanks to both of you for the quick help!

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You could instead use home.sessionVariables to set an environment variable and use that in the script instead and just write a normal script accessing that with e.g. $A_NAME.

Writing a derivation that uses substitute is probably preferable, though if you wanted the script to work in non-NixOS contexts doing the above can make a lot of sense.


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I am late to the party, but I use substituteAll and I thought I’d share an example: nixos-config/home.nix at 6ff4df4a2598c766cd94a930701283f56017f04b · waxlamp/nixos-config · GitHub. You can open the various files mentioned in the src arguments to see what those look like (you will recognize the whole @foobar@ pattern.

While I’m here, I will mention: I really like how this makes my dotfiles quite declarative and “integrated” with NixOS; on the other hand, I don’t like that my path to deploying a new version of a dotfile that I’m tinkering with now includes doing a full rebuild of my system. Not sure if there’s any advice out there about this tradeoff.
