Zero Hydra Failures Distributed Meetup


It’s ZHF time! The one of (two) best times in the year!

Let’s gather in hackerspaces around the world to hack through the weekends and make this release the best release ever (just like we always do!)

27-29 of May, starting Friday evening and finishing late Sunday (or early Monday?)

Announce your local event here, and let’s set the record in the most hackerspaces in one Jitsi call)


I will be holding an event in Armenia, Yerevan — Pushkin Street 38/18 (soon to be Hackerstan or whatever we’ll name it), Friday to Sunday :heart:

reminder that Community Calendar exists, might help with visibility


We will also provide a place for an offline event in undefspace, Moscow.
Starting from 2022-05-27T16:00:00Z


Klicken Sie auf den folgenden Link, um dem Meeting beizutreten:


Wollen Sie sich nur auf Ihrem Telefon einwählen?

Klicken Sie auf diesen Link, um die eingewählten Telefonnummern für dieses Meeting zu sehen

If you participate, tag prs #zhfff :smiley: