Attendees: @fricklerhandwerk @infinisil @spacekookie @olaf @pennae
- publish call for team members (15 min)
- agree on time for working session (10 min)
- triage issues on the project board
@spacekookie has technical writing and onboarding experience in Nix and Rust for the past two years
- May not be able to join every time but would like to help out
@spacekookie asks a suggestion about improving the NixOS module hierarchy for some options
- @fricklerhandwerk Who can decide on this? We should start with that
- @olaf: ideally we’d structure the code such that the amount of effort to maintain the documentation is reduced
- @fricklerhandwerk: We need maintainers, let’s jump to the call for maintainers draft post
Work meetings
- agreement this is useful
- shared the link on Matrix
Call for Maintainers
- Main purpose to have a reference to link to specific people that might be interested
- We won’t wait for the NixOS board announcement
- (reading the draft together)
- (made some last changes)
- posted the announcement
add outline to contribution guide by fricklerhandwerk · Pull Request #265 · NixOS/ · GitHub
- agreed on idea
- @spacekookie and @infinisil will review