2023-03-16 Documentation team meeting notes #33



Google Season of Docs

  • Discussed proposal on Tuesday, @fricklerhandwerk made a PR to refine it
  • @olaf: Changes:
    • Converted to Google’s suggested document structure
      • Still not very clear about where to put budgeting though
    • Title: “Learning journey” (suggested by @fricklerhandwerk) or “Get the basics right”
    • Some minor sentence changes
    • Rewrite to focus on reference docs, keeping learning journey around.
    • Also keep guides/tutorials around, but not sure how it fits into the outline.
      • Mentions how we benefit from the improved references
    • Mention what is out-of-scope
    • More success measures, though I don’t think there’s a good way to do it
      • E.g. measuring success by tutorial length
      • @fricklerhandwerk: The most important one should be successful onboardings
    • How and which mentors should be be mentioned?
    • Who’s actually applying?
      • @fricklerhandwerk: Formally the NixOS foundation. Documentation team is executing it, foundation will approve it.
      • @olaf: Should write from the perspective of the NixOS Foundation
  • (quick feedback from the group)
  • @fricklerhandwerk: What is the scope that we should cover? Which references and tutorials specifically?
    • We’re limiting ourselves to “declarative environments” as a starting point
      • Allows being more concrete and specific about how to allocate the resources
    • (): Write your own package; this is something that happens quickly
      • @fricklerhandwerk: Might be too far into the curriculum, possibly too much work, but would be great if we get that far
        • Maybe we should set the final scope while we’re at it, since it’s easier to tell when we know who will participate
    • @StefanSchroeder: Suspicion: There’s more questions about administrative tasks, less about building packages
      • @fricklerhandwerk: System administration is an advanced use-case from our perspective, let’s switch the order around to focus on more beginner things first
    • @zmitchell: Only metric of success being more user testing is not great. Doesn’t say what goals we want, e.g. faster time to learn X.
    • @zmitchell: IMO it’s a hard sell without more concrete outcomes
      • @pennae: Could take the number of repeated beginner questions
        • @fricklerhandwerk: Sounds good to me, can ask question askers in the community for that. Anectodal is good enough for now
          • @Jeremiahs will ask around and get some data for next week
        • @Jeremiahs: Good metric: Time for someone to build their own package
    • @khaled: Can we list out previous tasks and how long they took and what confusions there were?
      • @fricklerhandwerk: The user studies do that
      • @khaled: Let’s point those out and aim to eliminate those specific problems
      • @khaled: Let’s focus on specific tasks we’d like to get done
      • @fricklerhandwerk: Have a scenario of somebody in a company starting out with Nix, up to patching existing packages
        • something like that could be used as a standardised test of proficiency
      • @StefanSchroeder: E.g. if you go through a certification somebody would look at the steps you’re doing and the workflows [?]
    • @fricklerhandwerk: Second task: Outline to contribution guide
      • expanding on the use-cases, activities, what do you need to do to roll your own package, update a package, etc.
      • Who wants to break down the skills required for that?
      • @olaf: Focus on listing tutorials that convince google (@fricklerhandwerk: ourselves first!)
  • @fricklerhandwerk: About money, what’s the best use?
    • We shouldn’t give money to people that have a well-paid full time job, won’t magically create more time for them.
    • Different roals
      • Research, learn, write down in bulk
      • Nix expert
      • Didactics expert(s)
      • Editor
    • @evils: Shouldn’t hesitate to have somebody be paid for this, if we can’t find a volunteer
      • @fricklerhandwerk: yes, most of the money should go to the experts to guide the effort and share knowledge
        • The rest for enthusiasts, students (possibly from developing countries where the money really matters), mentors from the community who want to chip in
          • would use the opportunity to learn the tech and skills on the fly
    • Probably can’t get volunteers to do all of that, get paid people to help volunteers
    • @fricklerhandwerk: Volunteers can pick specific tutorials, focus on those, research, write, consult with experts
      • that will take the bulk of the time
      • imagine undergrad in some technical field
    • @olaf: Should technical support also be covered by volunteers? @fricklerhandwerk agrees
    • @fricklerhandwerk: Hopefully we can get volunteers just doing it for the experience. Can think of it as a course Google pays the TA’s for.
      • @zmitchell volunteers for the didactic support, has a strong background
    • @olaf: 6 volunteers seems reasonable, 3 experts (writing expert, didactics, nix expert)
      • @fricklerhandwerk: Aim for $5000 per expert, will probably adjust this to GDP matching GSoC rules

Learning journey working group

  • Let’s inform the people in the meeting here

  • @zmitchell: Priority: How to best teach Nix

  • Short-term goals:

    • For example: Language guides
      • e.g. for Rust, there are different ways to do it, which one to pick
    • Establish documentation structure, so they know where to put stuff when they want to contribute.
      • This is hard to know currently, but really important to get people going quickly
    • Identify gaps in existing docs and website structure
  • Long term: Reorganize body of existing docs

  • Is @infinisil part of it?

  • @olaf: Discourse is very helpful when you have a line that you don’t understand when writing a tutorial, good way to learn things

  • @fricklerhandwerk: Should update documentation resources survey for what exists out there

    • look at discourse Guides and Links categories
    • Move the existing survey to nix.dev as an easy task
  • @zmitchell: Working group timeline:

    • Get the PR merged
    • Establish working group
    • Decide on structure where to put things
    • Do survey of existing docs
  • @zmitchell: Initially bi-weekly meetings was the goal. Only have weekly meetings at the start to get off until we’re in a steady state and not as many things to discuss anymore

  • @StefanSchroeder: Another goal: Useful documentation is often outdated, what is the process to archive old documentation, what are the requirements for the docs

    • @Jeremiahs: Solution: Docs is tied to the version. Check a box for a tutorial when it still applies to the new version
    • @StefanSchroeder: Need to review every chapter for if it’s still valid
    • @zmitchell: Problem: There’s multiple repositories
    • @zmitchell: Prerequisites sound reasonable. Also display “updated at” timestamp
    • @StefanSchroeder: Allow users to confirm that a tutorial still works with specific versions
    • @khaled: Make it testable, run in CI
    • @fricklerhandwerk: All that can be done, task for the “technical task-force” (which doesn’t exist yet)
      1. nixos.org manuals need to be rendered with the specific version, not just “stable”/"unstable
      2. Permalink to specific versions in the tutorial
      3. Set up tested examples with tesh
    • @pennae: and would be easy enough to extend to spit out a compendium of all examples/code blocks