Thanks, much appreciated. BTW, do you know why parens are needed?ok it’s because otherwise ps.buildPythonPackage and rec {...} are considered list items
I also had to take some stuff from this person’s config in order to avoid the xontrib modules trying to install xonsh as a dependency. So the final code is
Hi all, and thank you for this thread I was able to install a few contribs using this method: xontrib-vox, xontrib-fish-completer, xontrib-sh, xontrib-prompt-starship, and xontrib-ssh-agent.
However the shared method doesn’t seem to work for PEP 517/518 type installs or at least installs that require poetry. I was trying to install xontrib-zoxide and got all kind of errors, so I changed it up a bit but still getting errors thrown at me:
# xontrib-zoxide
(ps.buildPythonPackage rec {
name = "xontrib-zoxide";
version = "v1.0.0";
format = "pyproject";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "dyuri";
repo = "${name}";
rev = "${version}";
sha256 = "9xAR2R7IwGttv84qVb+8TkW6OAK6OGLW3o/tDQnUwII=";
nativeBuildInputs = [pkgs.python3Packages.pip pkgs.python3Packages.poetry-core];
meta = {
homepage = "";
description = "Zoxide support for xonsh";
license =;
maintainers = [];
Any suggestions would be welcome, because there are two additional xontrib that follow this same method xontrib-clp & xontrib-dotdot
You don’t need all of these for one build but just need one at a time but I found it easier just to keep adding them as I needed. So far no conflicts between them.
@mark How did you get around NixOS ‘xontrib_zoxide-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl’ checking for xonsh as a dependency and causing the build to fail because it isn’t installed yet?
I am trying to add xontrib-zoxide to the program.xonsh like @andrew222651 did with vox. But even with the pre and post patch he added it still trys to bring in ‘xonsh’ as a dependency.
I think the issue is that ‘*.whl’ file.
And maybe I am just approaching it all wrong. It builds fine up to the point of the check dependencies phase.
Any way you could share your snippet for installing that particular xontrib-zoxide.
I did not use the xontrib for zoxide, just put that exec line in my xsh.rc as xontrib-zoxide does not work in nix. See the GitHub issue I mentioned above.
However I think you just put xonsh as part of the buildInputs,