Firefox all black when _first_ launched after login

I use Firefox on Gnome 3 on X11, installed from the current stable channel a couple of days ago. I’m a beginner with NixOS.

Every first launch of Firefox shows only a black rectangle: Firefox is not drawn. It does not seem to be frozen, though, because IIRC Firefox is now using client-side decorations, and I can click the place where the close button is (although it is invisible “in the dark”).

The second launch and 3rd, etc. are OK… until next login.


It might have something to do with the graphics stack. Try resizing the window to force it to redraw (eg. by dragging it to the left/right edge of the screen by mouse with Super key pressed).

Hello jtojnar. While the issue was systematic when I posted this, it stopped occurring right after that! I’ve waited for a week for the issue to occur again, and it did not. Thus I suspect a temporary issue, either in my configuration (which I progressively improved over time), or in a package that got fixed since then.
Thanks anyway! Your help has been of great value here and elsewhere :slight_smile:

I have two GNOME/Wayland systems which has the same issue. It happens seemingly randomly. On both systems I’ve configured Firefox to auto-start on login. No other app has this issue.

I’m experiencing the same issue on Nixos with Gnome. I’m using a nvidia card and it seems that wayland is being used, which might be related? I’m gonna switch to nonfree drivers and see what happens.

I can reproduce it almost 90% of the time I first run Firefox on a GNOME wayland session. Exiting and restarting Firefox solves it. It’s on a laptop with intel GPU only (from a i5-7300U CPU).

This doesn’t happen on GNOME on X.

I had this issue too. Solved it by using firefox-wayland package instead of firefox


Try resizing the window to force it to redraw (eg. by dragging it to the left/right edge of the screen by mouse with Super key pressed).

The Firefox window is still black. (Two different machines, both GNOME3 setups with Wayland, graphics: Intel and AMD.)

I had this issue too. Solved it by using firefox-wayland package instead of firefox


The only thing that package does, is running firefox with environment variable MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1. Does that mean this issue is a race? (Mis-detection of Wayland?!)

I’ve got Firefox auto-starting when I log in – what about the rest of you? Have you ever seen Firefox with black window on first launch on an idle system?

Another thing I noticed. When Firefox has black window, and I exit and re-launch, it forgets all tabs I had up.

Firefox about:support shows Window Protocol: xwayland in GNOME3 with Wayland. MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 firefox changes it to wayland.

EDIT: Hit the 3 replies limit so continuing here:

Firefox - ArchWiki suggests using this shell snippet, which allows firefox to follow the desktop session type:

if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" == "wayland" ]; then

(Why doesn’t firefox behave like this in the first place? Do they consider Wayland unstable?)

EDIT 2: Now I’m running with

  environment.extraInit = ''
    if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = "wayland" ]; then
        export MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1

I’m also having this issue. Really annoying - nothing you can do when it renders black like this - you just have to give up all the state it’s about to lose. :man_facepalming:

Same here. Did you find that this env. variable hack actually fixes things for you?

For me the black screen-rendering issue was only once in a blue moon (so just trying this out and relaunching successfully isn’t a guarantee of a fix)

You could probably just C-S-n to restore the lost window. I’d back up the profile in .mozilla/firefox first though just to be safe.

Have you tried firefox-wayland?

Same here. Did you find that this env. variable hack actually fixes things for you?

Yes, I’m pretty sure

  environment.extraInit = ''
    if [ "$XDG_SESSION_TYPE" = "wayland" ]; then
        export MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1

fixed it. (Alternatively, use firefox-wayland if you don’t plan on ever using X11(?).)

I haven’t experienced the issue ever since, which I would have expected would have happened a few times by now without the workaround.

I think that this proposed check should be part of the firefox wrapper, so that we can get rid of the firefox-wayland package. In any case, when installing firefox nowadays, one would expect it to be wayland-first and not opt-in.

Removal of the dedicated Wayland variants proposed in firefox, thunderbird, librewolf: Enable wayland support by default by mweinelt · Pull Request #201359 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub.