Firefox and intel HD620 Skylake performance issues

This is my current setup, Firefox is generally very buggy and youtube videos do stutter a lot - but sometimes everything just works. How can I drill down and find out what is causing one instance of firefox to be very laggy and another one “just works”?

I chose intel-media-sdk according to the recommendation mentioned here intel/libvpl

  # Intel GPU Drivers
  hardware.opengl = {
   enable = true;
   extraPackages = with pkgs; [
    # intel-vaapi-driver

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have you check if that behavior is present in other browsers as well? otherwise it might be a firefox issue.

i run the wayland firefox version and this also has problems with video playback and livestreams. if i reduce quality down to 720p and further its getting better. But i have no issues at all with the brave browser.

I’ll try and check with brave thanks this didn’t cross my mind!

Has it been reported as a bug to Firefox, known issue perhaps?

i have no clue. i always thought it might be a me problem until i saw i had no issues with brave. And i have this issue even tho i have a dedicated GPU.

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I tried with brave, same problem but I think me not having a swap is the issue… just maybe… cause brave is doing the same thing.

I’ll try to use ZRam and update this thread.

yeah alright, was worth a try. thanks for the update. i hope creating a swap helps.

The swap helped, and firefox is performing better at 1080p60 than brave and both are really bad at 1440p60. One peculiar thing I found was that btop was not able to show me GPU stats nor did the GPU window open.

Oh its a pipewire thing Pipewire Firefox tiny video stutter

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