General Nix Office Hours

@nixinator Would you mind specifying which of the four repoes I referenced you’re referring to? =)

In my understanding, your question could reference any one of the below:

  1. GitHub - NixOS/nix: Nix, the purely functional package manager
  2. GitHub - tadfisher/pass-otp: A pass extension for managing one-time-password (OTP) tokens
  3. GitHub - baierjan/Pass-OTP-perl: Perl implementation of HOTP / TOTP algorithms for alternative to oathtool(1)
  4. GitHub - DaGenix/rust-crypto: A (mostly) pure-Rust implementation of various cryptographic algorithms.

[quote=“x10an14, post:30, topic:15019”]

  • nix develop shell breaking bash completion when used inside of project with flake.nix

A test case to reproduce would be a great! Thanks !

I don’t know how to write such a test, but I’d be happy to assist! Feel free to reach me directly though matrix if you’re willing to help me write it =)

(Same nickname there as here - on the server).

Sorry for the techno speak, when i mean test case, is basically just the steps to reproduce.

Done! Bash completion broken after running `nix develop` · Issue #6091 · NixOS/nix · GitHub

Breaking in what sense? Please remember that nix develop throws you in a non-interactive shell, it uses ${bash}/bin/bash, which does not load completions and also doesn’t do a lot of stuff in general that humans like to have. This bash is basically a bash that is meant run scripts, not to be used by humans. If you want to enter a dev-env that retains your shell and the comfort, then use direnv with the nix-direnv extension.

Alternatively you can do something like this:

$ nix shell nixpkgs#bashInteractive -c bash
$ eval "$(nix print-dev-env)"
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I would suggest continuing this thread in the github issue if you don’t mind, so that we can let it get back on-topic here =)
There, I’ve updated the thread with information which answers your suggestions^^

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Are you all still doing office hours at said times?

I think this could be quite helpful for me, but going by the chat timestamps in the room, there appears to be very little overlap with the Asia Pacific region so far.

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Office hours are now open: SpatialChat
(sorry if it’s too late in the evening, it’s been a busy day)


Late evening for you might be early in the morning for someone else. This might open up opportunity for someone who wouldn’t be able to make it with the usual times.

thank you @tomberek for the additional time you stayed around to discuss things with me!

Hugely helpful. if nothing else its great to have this direct voice time with experienced nix developers. this is a hugely beneficial thing in itself. i asked a lot of questions about debugging, releases, community and easing new user adoption. voice/video is 100x more beneficial than just text in nixos channels.

I learned about nix repl’s autocompletion, the debugging paths to take during errors in system configurations, nix adoption, many other things.


General Hours are now open: SpatialChat

I’ll list again what was we covered this friday. I had requested help with hacking some specific parsing errors in dream2nix, because I had no idea how to debug nix expressions in such cases. @tomberek ran through it with me and I was able to understand picking apart expressions and using the repl to quickly get input/output. Got a PR merged that fixed the edge case: fix: parse resolved keys with git+https correctly by tgunnoe · Pull Request #99 · nix-community/dream2nix · GitHub

Hours are open for the evening: SpatialChat
Anything Nix related.


Bump: I’ll hang out in SpatialChat for a few hours if anyone has Nix questions/comments.

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I’ll hang out in SpatialChat if people have questions, PRs for review, or just want to chat.

I’ll do a few hours of Nix help/assistance/PRs/hacking/whatever at: SpatialChat

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I’ll be around for tomorrow if anyone is interested in collaborating or hanging out. I haven’t been working on anything in particular but im a huge fan of more direct nix-globe related hangouts

Edit: maybe not because i got busy with other things today :upside_down_face:

More office hours today: SpatialChat
Come by if you have questions or anything to chat about.

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