@bbigras Looks like this helped it get a little further but still getting the same screen as above.
gnome-control-center -v online-accounts
16:49:17.0366 GLib: DEBUG: setenv()/putenv() are not thread-safe and should not be used after threads are created
16:49:17.0369 (null): DEBUG: No extra argument
(gnome-control-center:171409): dconf-DEBUG: 16:49:17.369: change_fast
(gnome-control-center:171409): dconf-DEBUG: 16:49:17.369: change_notify: /org/gnome/control-center/last-panel
16:49:17.0371 GLib-GIO: DEBUG: Failed to initialize portal (GNetworkMonitorPortal) for gio-network-monitor: Not using portals
16:49:17.0372 GLib-GIO: DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation networkmanager (GNetworkMonitorNM) for ‘gio-network-monitor’
(gnome-control-center:171409): dconf-DEBUG: 16:49:17.373: watch_fast: "/org/gnome/online-accounts/" (establishing: 0, active: 0)
16:49:17.0373 GoaBackend: DEBUG: Loading all providers:
16:49:17.0373 GoaBackend: DEBUG: - google
16:49:17.0373 GoaBackend: DEBUG: - owncloud
16:49:17.0373 GoaBackend: DEBUG: - facebook
16:49:17.0373 GoaBackend: DEBUG: - windows_live
16:49:17.0373 GoaBackend: DEBUG: - flickr
16:49:17.0374 GoaBackend: DEBUG: - foursquare
16:49:17.0374 GoaBackend: DEBUG: - exchange
16:49:17.0374 GoaBackend: DEBUG: - lastfm
16:49:17.0374 GoaBackend: DEBUG: - imap_smtp
16:49:17.0374 GoaBackend: DEBUG: - kerberos
(gnome-control-center:171409): dconf-DEBUG: 16:49:17.374: watch_established: "/org/gnome/online-accounts/" (establishing: 1)
16:49:17.0374 GoaBackend: DEBUG: activated kerberos provider
16:49:17.0374 GoaBackend: DEBUG: - media-server
(gnome-control-center:171409): dconf-DEBUG: 16:49:17.374: unwatch_fast: "/org/gnome/online-accounts/" (active: 1, establishing: 0)
16:49:17.0375 cc-window: DEBUG: Time to open panel 'Online Accounts': 0.005704s
16:49:17.0375 cc-window: DEBUG: Added 'printers' to the previous panels
(gnome-control-center:171409): dconf-DEBUG: 16:49:17.375: unwatch_fast: "/org/gnome/desktop/lockdown/" (active: 1, establishing: 0)
16:49:17.0378 diagnostics-cc-panel: DEBUG: ABRT vanished
(process:171469): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 16:49:19.278: Failed to initialize portal (GNetworkMonitorPortal) for gio-network-monitor: Not using portals
(process:171469): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 16:49:19.280: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation networkmanager (GNetworkMonitorNM) for ?gio-network-monitor?
bwrap: Can't mkdir parents for /run/current-system/sw/share/fonts: No such file or directory
(process:171469): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 16:49:19.283: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation gvfs (GDaemonVfs) for ?gio-vfs?
(process:171469): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 16:49:19.283: Failed to initialize portal (GPowerProfileMonitorPortal) for gio-power-profile-monitor: Not using portals
(process:171469): GLib-GIO-DEBUG: 16:49:19.283: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation dbus (GPowerProfileMonitorDBus) for ?gio-power-profile-monitor?
(gnome-control-center:171409): dconf-DEBUG: 16:49:25.856: unwatch_fast: "/org/gnome/control-center/" (active: 1, establishing: 0)
(gnome-control-center:171409): dconf-DEBUG: 16:49:25.856: sync
Seems like its getting hung at the dconf sync step.