Is there a way to punish a contributor / committer for a mistake?

I was running a script that traverses every commit in nixpkgs since 24.05 to run some stuff, and I uncovered this PR: briar-desktop: 0.5.0-beta -> 0.6.0-beta by s1ls · Pull Request #260649 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub. It contains a merge commit …which obviously isn’t supposed to be there. It’s a simple oversight while merging, compared to the other things I notice going around in PRs, but it’s a critical one.

It was notified to the committer in the PR, and I don’t mean to escalate this PR in particular, but instead use this to put my point that we really need a place to report these things. It could be as simple as a thread similar to Breaking changes announcement for unstable or PRs ready for review _, with comments linking to offending PRs.

What the outcome should be can be discussed by the delegation team, but these things need to be reported.

EDIT: Even if not “punishments” (since that’s quite the debate), having a mechanism of posting these things on some thread can sub-consciously pressure committers to be more diligent and pay undivided attention to what they’re doing. This is really a win-win situation.

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