Join the Package Maintainer Team

Just a quick note:

  1. please don’t cc the maintainer team on any issues or pull requests as it sends out quite a lot of mail, which is what this team is hoping to avoid. OfBorg will automatically request reviews by relevant maintainers automatically.
  2. the invitations are paused while I work out an issue with GitHub’s support.

I want in too! womfoo (Kranium Mendoza) · GitHub


Didn‘t even need to request :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: (why should I for 2 packages probably only I use(d) anyway :smile: )
Thanks a lot @grahamc for all your efforts!

Just to be sure, I’m in!


I’m also happy to be on board. (I already got my invite and accepted, of
course :D)


Interested if I can help. I would like to participate more to NixOS. I haven’t made any PR yet though – only small comments. JosephLucas (Joseph Lucas) · GitHub

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I’d love to be in, too! :smiley: minijackson (Rémi NICOLE) · GitHub

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I just received an invitation to join. Unfortunately, Github invitations contain no metadata such as a message, or who invited you. I was a bit puzzled about why I was invited out of the blue, with no email or mention on Github. Then after a bit of searching I discovered this announcement.

It might be a good idea to also send an email with more information about why people are invited, before sending the invitation. Or maybe put a temporary banner in the Nixpkgs readme.


Sign me up to maintain the packages I’ve setup.

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I’d be glad to help.

$ git grep filalex77 -- pkgs | wc -l                                                                        master

As of now, all the to-do items on this RFC are complete.

As of now, the team has 733 members, with 376 pending invitations. About 100 new invitations were sent this evening, catching up with new maintainer entries over the past several months. Several people cannot be invited:

  • 166 are a missing a githubId values (note: do not blindly add these, see note later)
  • 43 are missing a github value (note: do not blindly add these, see note later)
  • 2 people seem to have declined the invitation or blocked the repo or something where GitHub says we haven’t invited them, but also we can’t invite them.
  • 1 person is blocked from being invited by GitHub due to U.S. trade controls law restrictions.
  • Additionally, I accidentally removed (and re-invited – sorry!) about 10 people as they didn’t have a githubId set. I added their ID back.

Adding a github or githubId value after the initial addition:

You can’t just go look up GitHub handles and assume it is right. Instead:

  1. Find a maintainer without a githubId
  2. Look in the git blame output and find that section
  3. Look up that commit on GitHub and see who GitHub thinks authored it.
  4. Find that user’s ID («username»)

This is because a surprising number of GitHub users change their account names!

Thank you, everyone!


Are you still adding new members?
:raised_hand: I’m interesed. I’m a maintainer of 3(soon to be 4) packages, 2FA - Ok (


From my understanding, you’ll automatically be added within 30 minutes if you maintain a package and have 2FA on your GitHub account.


All maintainers now have Triage permission!


Hey there, I’m a maintainer and I’ld love to join the organization, I have the 2FA activated. My github username is th0rgal.

It seems the sync script has been turned off at this moment: rfc39: disable until we can remember who we invited · NixOS/infra@50e1e82 · GitHub
so, could @grahamc or someone invite me manually? I now maintain some packages and enable 2FA already.
Here’s my GitHub account: JohnTitor (Yuki Okushi) · GitHub


I would like to know why the script was turned off and if we can reconsider turning it on again.


Because people who rejected the invitation were invited over and over again:

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So @danieldk,
Do you think I could get invited to the org?

My GitHub is hugolgst

$ git grep hugolgst -- pkgs | wc -l

If it helps to batch these actions, I am also volonteer

git grep freezeboy -- pkgs | wc -l
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