Join the Package Maintainer Team

Create a database of already-invited users and don't invite them again · Issue #3 · NixOS/rfc39 · GitHub is a blocker for turning the script back on.

Anybody is free to work on it, but I was planning to spend some time with it “later” (free time is at a premium with school and work occupying many of my hours). I’ll probably have enough free time to at least get started on it around Thanksgiving.


Can’t wait to have this script back!

I maintain only jruby atm but happy to help more.

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I’d like to be added as well! I have 2FA enabled and my GitHub handle is siraben.

$ git grep siraben -- pkgs | wc -l  

I’d like to be added to the team as well. My github username is raboof and I have 2FA enabled.

$ git grep raboof -- pkgs | grep maintainers | wc -l

I would love to be added to the GitHub organisation as well. I got an invite about half a year ago, which i unfortunately missed, and it’s now long expired.

$ git grep ivar -- pkgs | grep maintainers | wc -l

Would be great to be added as a maintainer. I currently maintain juju but have 7 pull requests currently open.

I would like to join if possible:

grep -lR kamadorueda pkgs  | sort | uniq | wc -l
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I would like to join if possible too!

grep -lR Miezhiko pkgs  | sort | uniq | wc -l
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Based on that query it looks like you’re not a package maintainer yet. The way to start is to submit PRs that improve a package and simultaneously (in a separate commit on the same PR) add yourself as a maintainer.


I was invited in March, but the invite got archived by one of my mail filters. I noticed this just now after seeing this thread, but the invite has expired. Can the invite be sent again?

I received an invite to join the NixOS organization on 2021-11-10, the day on which I became a maintainer. I’d like to join, but for some reason the invite expired or was disabled (visiting the invitation link says “Invitation not found”). Please consider both inviting me again, and also checking whether there’s an issue with the automatic invitation. Thank you.

cc @domenkozar for another invite

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Maintainers team is managed by @grahamc!

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λ rg '\sjk\s' pkgs --count-matches | wc -l

I was invited to the org 2020-12-28 but I pay more attention to my GH notifications than the GH email spam so I missed it so a fresh invite would be appreciated
I’m a normal member but not a “maintainer”

I have 2fa enabled, username 06kellyjac

Edit: updated 2022-03-17

I recently started using NixOS, and just packaged drivers for my brother dcpj315w printer. I want to contribute the package so that it becomes useful for other newbies. I am fine with setting myself as maintainer. Do I need to be on the maintainer list for doing so? In that case, you could add me as @jensac on Github. If there is another or even better way to deal with that situation, just let me know.


you can just add yourself as a maintainer in lib/maintainer-list.nix, and open a PR to apply it to the main repo.

Then, just add yourself as a maintainer to any package that you would like to receive github notifications for when there are changes.


Hey @grahamc can I get a invite to the org as well? portothree (Gustavo Porto) · GitHub
I’m already on the maintainer-list file from a bunch of go packages, but would be really nice to be part of the org (nothing like flexing the nix org badge on the GitHub profile lol)

@portothree iirc the first time you contrib to nixpkgs you get an auto invite to the org on your email. i only noticed it after a while and the invite expired

Ohh, just found the email, indeed expired. Did you managed to get invited again?