Nix Friday - streaming about Nix every Friday

Thanks @con-f-use, I miss it too! Sorry work has taken over so much space lately. I still don’t have a timeline when I will be able to resume it.

There is a hot topic to pick waiting on the shelves: Nix Flakes :wink:

One thousand times x (>=1) thanks for his blog post!

Thanks! I just pushed an update to that page with more details.

Nix Friday is back! This Friday. I am excited to have @ryantm on the show to talk about his nixpkgs updater bot.

I am changing the format a bit to be centered around interviews.

For more info on how to join, see NixFriday


@zimbatm i see on the calendar I can “Copy Event”; but can you share the Google Calendar URL itself?
I would like to subscribe to it.


@fzakaria try this one:

That worked; thanks :slight_smile:

Here is today’s recording!


you guys live like 9 hours apart, why does it look like morning in both locations… lol


@jonringer is coming this Friday to test the time machine :smiley:

Looking forward to chatting; the topic will be the NIxOS 20.03 release process, for whom Jon is the release manager.


Here is the link to today’s video:

Next week we will have both @Ericson2314 and @matthewbauer on the show to talk about their work around IPFS and Nix.


If it’s appropriate to talk about next week or maybe in a follow up some other time, I’d love to hear about the current status on static nix from @matthewbauer and anyone else who’s involved.

I’ve seen some progress on some tickets, but don’t have a great overview picture at the moment.


Good idea, I’ll make sure to ask


Excited to be there! Thanks @zimbatm!

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personally I like the tutorial format …
For starting with nix and related tools, it helps to understand the/a use case, to do the first steps and to get an little overview of what you can / can’t do with a tool.
During the talk you got as well some background information about the technology …

It’s a “little hell” to start from 0 and get a whole setup [properly] configured [with the current state of technology and methods, like override vs overlay , … , nix-shell vs lorri, … “impure” solutions like withJupyter to get extensions, cachix, … ]

  • lots of information I found via google are not so much up to date

Yes, I like tutorial like formats as well, though looking back at how many of the fridays went, I prefer todays interview style for the nix friday.

The problem with nix-fridays early tutorial format was, that @zimbatm seemed to be relatively unprepared. even though he seemed to know the topic in advance, there rarely was much of preparation and sometimes half of the episode ended up beeing casual chatting because of waiting for the buildInputs beeing downloaded.

Yes, it was still informativ and I liked it, I do not want to complain about the old format, and I think it could work, if there was more of preparation before the call.

I think the community would benefit from some 10 to 15 minute screencast focussing on a single aspect of the nix ecosystem. Very similar to how Railscasts or Elixirsips worked back when they still were alive.

For the todays interview style format of the nix-friday, I think it would also be nice to have them as audio-only version in a podcast.

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Jon has been doing some screencasts.

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I haven’t watched @jonringer screencasts but I was thinking of doing the same thing; however more of a “how does it work” underneath the hood.

I found learning Nix in the “traditional” sense outside-in challenging because it just eschews so many traditional Linux concepts. I really needed to understand the “innards” before I groked it.
I’ve also at my organization giving people 1:1

I am happy to give anyone a 1:1 of Nix (non-NixOS) and will do a few screen casts.
So far I’ve been just writing to my blog.

The biggest “a-ha!” moment; is when you understand Nix’s philosophy which is to apply high-level language memory primitives to the filesystem; which is analogous to a global mutating writable memory.


Here is the recording for this week’s interview:

Next week, @domenkozar is coming on to just have a chat. We’ll probably end-up talking about Cachix :slight_smile:


I’ve been enjoying these interviews. Thanks for doing this.

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