I feel like this is the perfect time and place to share this:
We (the guys from vpsFree.cz, mostly @martyet and me) have jumped on the train of organizing NixCon 2019 in Brno with some vision of continuity - that if we did that one year well, we could perhaps repeat that every year (or every N years and mix it with all the different locations, where the Nix community ends up finding capable people, who’d be on board with organizing the events locally long-term) .
Clearly, we didn’t communicate this well enough - though when it comes to budget, I’ve originally thought I’ve made it clear enough, that we’d try to save up what we could to enable even better NixCon in Brno sometime in (what we hoped to be) a near future.
So, after factoring in expenses (also factoring in a bit of compensation for all the full-time work at the time that @martyet did, we’ve ended up with net+ of ~5k8 EUR.
But then COVID-19 came and it turned things upside down here in CZ with a sudden and total lockdown (after a good few weeks of govt neglecting the whole situation, needless to say) caused a total disruption in communication within different communities (and what I learned later, as I don’t have kids yet, schools are probably the least prepared for stay-at-home situation like this).
So trying while trying to figure out, how we could help best I came along Zoom and I’ve deduced from the state of things, that this was going to be a huge mess and that we couldn’t rely on anything pretty much anyone from “the outside” says (at least for a while), so in the state of nuclear panic we deployed Jitsi Meet at meet.vpsfree.cz and made it available for anyone without the need for an account - just as the original upstream instance is, but that one was heavily overloaded at the time. Plus there is always the risk of loosing transit connectivity country-wide and what then…
So we did that and it quickly ended up eating up all the free CPU resources, we had - we had to find a way to borrow machines from somewhere at time, when everyone else was doing the same. So, we’ve decided we’d use the NixCon buffer to get us some additional cores.
Now we’re at 108 cores and the instance should be capable of handling NixCon, I think, pretty well - if we enable a few perks (which we didn’t like at the time, like recording and sending the stream to YT). 40 cores of those can be considered as belonging to the Nix community, if the community wants them 
The situation being globally what it is, I hope noone will see this as a bad decision/route to take - more than anything, it now gives us an opportunity here to not stagnate, when it comes to social contact 
So I’d like ask the community:
are we going to use the horsepower (and the left byuing power) for on-line socialization (and perhaps more collaborative on-line development environment) in the Nix community?
Is this something, where you guys would see us cooperating together longer-term?
Otherwise, the fair default is to, of course, re-pay the debt back to the NixCon/vpsFree account and then leave the decision-making process, about what to do with the funds, for later point of time, when the dust from this pandemic settles. That would mean settling a 3k6 EUR of the debt against our promise to leave any potential gains to the community.
(the account is transparent and the log is visible here: Internetové bankovnictví | Fio banka)
Let’s have a productive discussion about these things 