NixCon 2023 - Darmstadt, Germany

We are very excited to finally announce, that the NixCon 2023 is happening on the 8th to 10th of September 2023! NixCon 2023 will consist of two conference days and a self-organized hackday.

You are encouraged to submit talks that cover the Nixpkgs ecosystem and beyond.

We are currently planning for regular talks as well as lightning talks. If you have another idea, like setting up a workshop, please contact us at

You can submit your talk proposals via Pretalx until the deadline, 2023-08-10 23:00 UTC.

Ticket sales will start immediately at If you are unable to afford a ticket, please contact us at

All the information above (and more) are available at


Sweet, I’m definitely coming this year!

The website is a little low on logistics. Any hotels you have made deals with? Recommendations on how to get there (fly to Frankfurt and rent a car, train directly to Darmstadt and walk, can we park at the venue, ??)


The website is hard to use on my desktop.

I have a 90% logo at a fixed position, and a lot of border, and a small area of about 3cm height, which is scrollable and shows the actual content.

I have to be within that content area with the mouse to be actually able to scroll.

This is the first time actually where mobile gives me a better experience than desktop…


We have a few points regarding logistics that’ll make their way onto the website soon.

tl;dr is:

  • if you come by plane: FRA, there is a ~30min bus ride (no swaps) that drops you off ~100m from the venue, details to follow
  • if you come by train: Take a train to Darmstadt, we’ve a rather big train station. If you have night trains / long distance trains you are most likely ending up in Frankfurt instead, there are multiple frequent connections from there
  • if you come by car: You probably know how to operate your navigation software :slight_smile: There are some parking lots within the city center. I can’t recommend any particular (yet) as neither of us here owns a car.

We’ve tried that in the past but they want you to commit to some fixed amount of rooms (like 10-50). We aren’t in a position to pay that upfront without knowing that people will find it acceptable. It’ll likely be best if everyone checks on a mapping software of their choosing regarding distance & prices.


Will accepted speakers receive a free/discounted speaker ticket? Or will this be decided on an individual basis via orgateam-email?

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In general no. If you have problems paying for the ticket then contact us and we will do our best to make it affordable.

So close geographically, but conflicts with ICFP :disappointed:. Next time!

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For those of us who are unable or unwilling to travel, will this be streamed?

Yes, recordings and streaming will be provided through the


For me its less being able to spare the money, but more being unable to justify yet another expense and weekend away from home.

It was easier to justify if it was like “I got invited to hold a talk on a conference”.

Thanks anyway. I will try to find other ways to make attending more justifyable :smiley:

Will there also be a way to participate in the hallway track?

Or will remote attendees at least receive a better flow of information? Last year there have been difficulties with streaming the event during which remote attendees have been left in the unknown…

It’s not a great strategy. Last year we had to reject a lot of great talks due to the volume of submissions.

When can we expect to hear back about talk proposals?

In about a month or so. The initial CfP deadline is set to 2023-08-10 but we are likely going to have a look earlier. The problem with the talks is that usually they only come in very briefly before CfP or after an extension. If everyone submits their talks earlier we can respond back earlier :slight_smile:


All tickets have sold out right now. We are looking into whether we can provide additional capacity.

Please join the waiting list on the ticket store, if you are still interested in getting a ticket. We’ll email you when tickets become available again.

If you have any more specific questions feel free to ask here or dm me, I’m a member of the c3voc and will help with the onsite setup.

For me its less being able to spare the money, but more being unable to justify yet another expense and weekend away from home.

For me, getting a few days away from family is part of the draw. 3 nights in a bed all alone with nobody stealing the duvet and no kids coming in at an ungodly hour is like going on vacation. Oh, and the nix stuff is pretty good too….

I apologise in advance if this is OT for this thread, but I booked a hotel called “Felix Hotel Darmstadt” which is close by the venue (15m walk), close to the train station (5m walk), super cheap (EUR45/night) and at least looks perfectly fine for a few nights. It’s small, but I’m only going to sleep there so that’s fine. It’s obviously not a recommendation as I haven’t stayed there yet, but I just wanted to throw it out there in case people were wondering about options.


Usually I would agree, though during September there is already a company event, a meeting with a customer, and an in person meeting with my future employer… I will be away already for more than 7 nights.

So justifying yet another 3 nights/4 days, which would cost another 150 EUR for the hotel, 100+ for the train (I wouldn’t use Deutschlandticket for that trip), 100+ for after-talk-beers and lunch… 75+ for the ticket…

Just do a conference in Hamburg, and I will be there :smiley: No awaytime to be scheduled :smiley:


I really goofed, I’m weeks late to the sale, I guess. Do we think there’s hope of more tickets or no?

I’m not going to hold anyone to it, of course, but it would help me decide whether or not to just buy a (edit: plane) ticket.

Thanks :heart: