As the last few board meetings have been heavily centered around the S3 resolutions there were fewer items beyond that. Sharing the notes below:
- S3 bucket migration short and long term
- Hiring & Contracts
- Nix Grant Program and Funding Approvals
- migration and announcement
- Banking
S3 short term resolution - NixOS S3 Short Term Resolution! - Announcements - NixOS Discourse
- Credits ($9k/month) have been deposited in the NixOS accounts yesterday (July 5th)
- Starting final migration process to foundation account
S3 long term resolution effort -
- Support the community teams
- Followup with AWS Open Data Teams (notes at the bottom of this → NixOS S3 Short Term Resolution! - Announcements - NixOS Discourse)
- Meeting with Corey tomorrow to go through AWS costs
Hiring and Contracts
- Project Management: Posted NGI Project Manager (part-time) – NixOS Foundation
- Approved Robert + Jackline contracts
- Approved Shahar contracts
- NGI Project Manager call
- Approved Valentin
Exploring more banking options as the current solution only covers (insurance) a certain portion
Approved funding form grants - can be tracked in GitHub - NixOS/foundation: This is the home of the NixOS Foundation
- Approved two larger events/hackathons - and oceansprint
- Approved meetup event - Nix @ 20: An introduction and celebration, Thu, Jun 29, 2023, 6:30 PM | Meetup
- officially transitioned, writing up a general announcement post
Approving annual bank account transactions for 2022
Earlier S3 Related Notes - Beginning of June
- S3 bucket migration
- Priorities for this decision:
- Focusing on reliability and minimizing any risk at all
- Costs
- Timeline
- Split into Short and Long
- Short - what we need to do just to make sure we are back on track
- Long - ideally owned by the infra term for a long term, reliable, sustainable solution. Not the foundations position to make architectural/technical decisions
- Need to balance the price and reliability
- Priorities for this decision:
- Action Items
- Team to follow up with contacts at AWS & cloudflare to establish comms
- analysis of backup options
- analysis of costs/breakdown of usage/storage
Non-Board Meeting Minutes - S3 - Cloudflare team and @domenkozar / @ron
- Provided historical context on the storage/S3
- Provided overview of Nix and Nix community
- Ran through numbers 425T
- Ran through short term needs and priorities and moving into the long term (deduplication/exploring gc/other opportunities)
- Ran through NixOS Community and Foundation priorities:
- Risk
- Cost
- Long term
- Migration to R2?
- As close to 0 overhead in terms of costs to doing the migration
- egress costs
- look into incremental
- 1 cent access fee to things inside the “infrequent access” bucket
- Bandwidth/fastly
- They have the bandwidth alliance with multiple vendors there and different costs: google/oracle/etc…
- They need to look into it