PRs ready for review _

Mopidy subsonic backend. I’ve had this sitting around for nearly a month now.
mopidy-subidy: init at 1.0.0

I’ve had some positive responses and review on this, but nothing definitive yet. It would be nice to get a decision one way or the other.

Hello, can someone please review this one? Thank you

I finally got my resholve PR ~ready this past week.

It’s a little hefty–it also includes a “builder” that enables Nix to package shell (bash) projects/libraries/modules with a straight face.


Posting this PR here since this have a kinda of niche target, but nonetheless I think more hardware support on Linux is always nice to have.

This one adds OpenTabletDriver, that is a user-space driver for tablets (used for drawing, not the “bigger smartphones”). It also includes a module in hardware.opentabletdriver to make it easier to use (since it needs some preparation).

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This PR might need some more reviewing, since it hasn’t really been established what approach is most desired. Please see the PR for more context.

Bump and clean-up.

This PR should fix issue #75007:


Why wrapProgram is failing?

Some small refactors in OpenTabletDriver package+add hardware.opentabletdriver.package option:

Can someone please review this init? I can build and run it fine, but I’m not knowledgeable in identifying if it’s a proper addition.

Can someone please review this init?

It doesn’t require too much testing, only check if the application runs (for the rest, you need to inscribe as taxpayer and connect your application with whatever standard being used for digital signing :blush:)

Small change, was reviewed and now somebody needs to merge it: subtitleeditor: add more gst-plugins by ilmari-lauhakangas · Pull Request #106076 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Hello people who come here with PRs ready for review!

I’d like to suggest that you try the marvin bot (usage here) before posting to this thread, and only if the marvin bot fails to get you a reviewer to come post here.

The marvin bot sure is still under beta and has some quirks, but in my experience it works pretty well and it’s much more efficient from a reviewer point of view: it’ll send the notification to a single reviewer, instead of to all reviewers as currently happens with this thread. The only issue I’ve noticed it having is, when a reviewer is unresponsive it won’t automatically ping another one yet, but instead will tell you to run /status needs_reviewer to manually request another reviewer.

And this message is also for reviewers (including people who would like to help reviewing without merge rights yet): feel free to sign up to marvin as per the procedure described here! Currently there’s no shortage of reviewers yet (all PRs still open that have marvin enabled are waiting on changes by the PR author), but hopefully with this message more people will opt-in into marvin, and so we’ll need more registered reviewers :slight_smile:


Fix for vimPlugins script
And two more plugins