PRs ready for review _

A few minor changes are pending, but I’d appreciate a review at this stage.

I have reviewed this but no one replied.

This PR is ready for review, can someone please take a look?

This one brings all PPD files from to nixpkgs. It also adds a new setup hook that helps patching ppd files. Maybe someone with an old printer or with experience in packaging CUPs drivers can give it a try.

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Have a bunch of package requests ready for review

Routine patch version bump, lots of rebuilds but well-tested and unlikely to cause breakage:

Android Studio (Canary) version bump

CloudCompare version bump

intel-compute-runtime version bump. Makes opencl work on 11th gen intel cpus

This PR adds the ability to use GCP DNS with certbot!

Fixes Hydra - Build 155825548 of job nixpkgs:trunk:sssd.x86_64-linux

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needs_reviewer, ofBorg nor marvin assigned reviewers in 2 days:

All shoud be trivial PRs. Oldest to newest: