PRs ready for review _

Would love to get a review on this please: vimPlugins.zellij-nvim: init at 2023-12-03 by hmajid2301 · Pull Request #291238 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Here’s a super trivial PR that enables support for 802.11s (mesh networking) in wpa_supplicant: wpa_supplicant: enable 802.11s mesh networking by agbrooks · Pull Request #291049 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Enable cross-compilation for qbe, harec and hare

Enable parallel building and fix tests on darwin for qbe

No activities for 2 weeks. I understand this is a lot to review but it will be better if there is some feedback or timeline.

Update to a minor python package, ty in advance :pray: :

This is ready for a merge:

Hi, would appreciate a review. Thanks in advance.

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This has two approvals but seems to be stuck waiting on a third reviewer for a month. Any chance it could be un-stuck?

Just package version bumps, already built and tested for all default systems (which takes significant time because PRs target staging):