PRs ready for review _

Second try for this one:

Small collection of libelf deprecating and elfutils using.

A PR for “Vaults” has been ready for review since February. I’ve been using the Flatpak version for a while and think this is definitely worth a look.

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This one:

and this one:

I have been dropping conflicts due to update PRs getting merged whenever I notice them, recent pushes are all just dropping individual commits.

Hi all, I started packaging the Chirpstack LoraWAN stack. Unfortunately the PR is awaiting review for 3 weeks:

I’ve packaged most components with the exception of the main server itself. I am planing to tackle this once the gateway components have been merged.

This 4 month old pull request relates to an obscure bug in NixOS’s nat reflection feature, causing every IP address from outside the nat to be rewritten for no reason.

We’ve been running this in production for the same 4 months this pull request has been open, and it’s been working great!

I’d appreciate if someone could give it their blessing so I have to stop patching nixpkgs

Bumping this again for anyone who has the time. Thank you!: