The RFC Steering Committee (RFCSC), originally defined by RFC 36, is responsible for managing the RFC process. It usually consists of five members with a rotation every year. Since another year has passed since the last rotation, it’s time to look for new members! To read more about this rotation process, see RFC 43.
In particular, @edolstra and @tomberek intend on stepping down. @edolstra has been in the RFCSC for 5 years since the beginning, while @tomberek has been there for 2 years, thanks for all the contributions!
If you are interested in joining the RFCSC, leave a comment in this thread with your nomination. You can also nominate other people if they agree to it.
Responsibilities of the RFCSC
The team holds a regular ~30min online meeting every two weeks. At least three of the five members are needed to hold the meeting. As such, members are expected to join most of the time.
During these meetings, the team takes care of supervising the RFC process:
Decide the Shepherd Team and Shepherd Leader with enough nominations for an RFC
Supervising that the Shepherd team are making progress on the RFC
Merge or close RFCs depending on the Shepherd team’s decision
Notably the RFCSC has no special responsibility or authority over RFC contents. Whether RFCs get accepted or rejected is entirely up to the Shepherd Team.
Not entirely sure what you need as an application, but what I can say is that the time commitment (which is minimal) seems doable; the task, although not very glamorous, is nevertheless important (until we find a way to automate parts/most of it?).
I guess my questions are:
at what time/day do you meet?
Is this flexible/up for discussion, or are you already dead set on a schedule?
No, there’s no formal requirements for an application other than having a GitHub and Matrix account. Showing interest is enough. However experience in the Nix community and the RFC process is preferred.
15:00 CET every second Wednesday right now, but it’s not fixed, we can try to find a better day/time if it doesn’t work for the new members.
Right in this thread! Please write another message confirming whether you want to apply or not.
Since we haven’t gotten to replying to these questions before, we’ll only decide the new RFCSC in the next iteration in 2 weeks. If anybody would like to apply, this is the last chance this cycle
Please send us your Matrix and GitHub accounts here so that we can add you to the team.
@edolstra and @tomberek will leave the RFCSC, and either @kevincox or @lheckemann will leave it in a couple months, such that the new team has initially 6, but will return to 5 members after a transition period.