Unit tests in calamares-nixos-extensions

I hit the swapon bug in the installer that was already fixed and it occurred to me that the calamares-nixos-extensions repo could use some unit tests to ensure it does the right thing and to avoid future regressions.

I don’t know how suggestions are made in this community, so I opened an issue in github: Unit tests for modules/nixos/main.py · Issue #44 · NixOS/calamares-nixos-extensions · GitHub

I’m posting it here just in case the discussions actually happen here and not there.

So, where is the appropriate place to discuss testing the nixos installer?


as the installer is basically maintained by 3 people of the community, according the contributors of the module repo, its possibly the best to address it over there (like you already did).

Also have not yet seen that it got picked up widely by others hacking on it.

I personally dont like the clamares installer, so I not want to contribute to the calamares module, as it gives a highly misleading impression that people will have a great experience using NixOS with graphical tools, which is not the case on my personal opinion.
At that is what is left as impression from my discord server experience from new people asking why the installer left them with a system they can not handle (not knowing where to start, what to edit, etc pp), which they might have come along when having to look into the manual for a getting the system to install.

Despite my personal opinion its of course everyone’s free will to do whatever they want and invest time in topic they like (so not i do explicitly not try to blame that there is a calamares module and that there are some people thinking that it provides a benefit for others).

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Thank you for your quick response!

I’m glad to hear that I wasn’t totally off in opening an issue there.

I didn’t intend to get into a discussion on the merits of the calamares installer. I just thought that since it is presented as the default installer for nixos, it would be nice to improve its QA for the sake of newcomers who encounter bugs in it (like I did). Whether it should be replaced with a different installer or not goes beyond my depth.

Here is the discussion of the fediverse that made me open an issue and offer to add automated tests: Stephen: "Spreading the love for NixOS hit a bit of a wall …" - Nerdout.club