Who uses NixOS with KDE?

I love KDE (+ Wayland) as well.
My config: GitHub - hervyqa/dotfire: Nixos KDE Plasma configuration for data science. (sourcehut mirror)

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Is wayland good enough to use?
You still using nixos + kde today?

I’m still using KDE, and I think it is better than Gnome for production & daily working

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I have just begun my NixOS journey. I’m a long time plasma user, on Arch and Debian, and for a while on OpenSUSE.

I have found KDE on NixOS is not the full experience I had hoped for. The issues I’ve had are not from over customizing the theme or functionality. There are menu options missing and some options don’t work as they should.

  1. There is no menu option to theme the sddm Login screen (which is usually there in KDE distros). The way to alter the theme is very inconvenient, and involves editing some nix files.

  2. The system menu options don’t function in the Settings menu. If you open Settings → About this System → Show More Information. You will see that a few features in the sub-menus give error messages, from missing packages like “fwupdmgr” and under PCI I get

lspci: Unknown option ‘v’ (see “lspci --help”)

These menu options work on my other distros.

I’m starting to think I may ditch KDE on NixOS and pick something less complex like XFCE or even i3 some other windows manager?

I had issues with KDE PIM not integrating properly. Calendars I set up in Kalendar would not show up in the system tray calendar for example. On other distros this worked.

On gnome it works fine.

For me, this does work, although every so often, I must manually re-enable the PIM integration in the system tray calendar (go to the settings of the widget, enable the PIM checkbox in the “Calendar” tab, and then a new tab for the PIM integration should appear where you can select which calendars you want to show).

Interesting, maybe I will try it again in the future.

Gnome has just been too good to me lately.

No issues with kde sobfar. Does all i need it to do. But would love to know how to exprt/import the plasma settings and at this stage im not interested in using HM as i tried plasma-manager and it does exactly that but u need HM. Is there a solution in doing this without implementing HM?

Most time for the last 8 years I was using GNOME until i buy a new laptop last year with small screen 13.3" that need to scaling 135%, GNOME can do 130%, 140% but not 135% excapt in ubuntu. so i moved to KDE. but i can see both is great desktop environment thats help all my use case.

I have issue too with the system settings in both KDE & GNOME, that you can’t change the language from settings. but i can understand since we are using NixOS