Nixos get together in Groningen?

Thank you all for joining the conversation, c0deaddict has been busy asking others to join!
Rob would be willing to share his experience which would be great.
I know of someone else who would like to join so that would be seven persons right now.
Might be time to start searching for an location/sponsor, great :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes I would also like to be there although I am still a Nix Noob :stuck_out_tongue:

For the first meetup we can use my employer’s office (Devhouse Spindle, in Groningen) and Spindle can also sponsor drinks & snacks.

I guess the next steps would be to create a meetup page, find speaker(s), pick a date and spread the word.

What a marvelous gesture from your employer, many thanks for the offer!
So that would mean a location is at hand, will set up a Meetup page to stirr some attention there.
Anyone who would like to do a small talk/presentation or has other ideas for this first get together?

Edit: Eh… turns out Meetup is a payed service and needs a credit card, so that’s a no go for now.

I’d love to join too👍

So for this to get going we need some speakers!
I would therefore like to ask the greater Nixos community close to Groningen (Germany - UK) if someone would be willing to give a talk about the internals of Nix(os). This doesn’t have to be a evening talk during midweeks, could also be a one day weekend event?
By spreading the word we could even stirr some interrest from the University of Groningen people who run a HPC cluster?
Nixos is used on HPC clusters afterall, GitHub - freuk/awesome-nix-hpc: high performance computing related nix resources
Since travel or other costs could be involved, we might even need a sponsor for that.
If necessary one can contact me by pm on this forum.

Just a heads up for this topic, been talking to someone behind the scenes who is much experienced in using Nix(Os) who would be willing to do some kind of talk. Not something definite yet because of time constrains, but the idea is still alive!

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If it does materialize, ping me :slight_smile:

To get things rolling, we could also consider planning some informal meeting short-term (in other words, go to some pub :wink: ).

Another fun option would be to hold some bi-weekly or monthly reading group where we’d go through e.g. Eelco’s PhD thesis. (I am partway through, but it’s more fun to discuss it with others.)

Pub sounds good to me :+1: Let’s pick a date!

Maybe someone can use one of those date picker sites and we can indicate availability? (I am not really up to speed with these :wink: , not sure if there is any evolution beyond Doodle or Datumprikker.)

Ok, here it is! Wat wil je plannen? -

@JosW @danieldk @rbvermaa @JorisE @confususs @patrickswijgman @gila @domenkozar want to join? Please fill in your availability.

Anyone got a good suggestion for a location?

thx @c0deaddict – done! :+1: I really don’t care which pub to be honest, all are fine with me :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone for filling in the datumprikker. The dates that most people can attend are:

  • do 5 maart, 20:00
  • do 19 maart, 20:00
  • vr 20 maart, 20:00
  • do 26 maart, 20:00
  • vr 27 maart, 20:00
  • za 28 maart, 14:00

Unfortunately there is no date that everyone can attend, and I don’t like to exclude anyone. @gila and @JosW have you got a suggestion for an alternative date/time that I can add to the date picker?

Yep, you can add me to all the Friday’s except 03-04-2020.

I’ve picked the 20th of March at 20:00. Location TBD

Cool! Perhaps it would be neat to also announce it in Amsterdam Nix Meetup | Meetup (even though it won’t be in Amsterdam evidently)?

@c0deaddict sorry for the delay, i read your message on my cell but I could not login =) I can make it the 20th of march from the looks of it. :+1: Assuming, that actually is the case, I will get you a drink on my tab for the efforts, thanks again and looking forward to it.

I’d like to join as well!

It is great to have a final date for a pub talk for a first start. However since it’s marvelous to read that Eelco wants to join and Domenkoza also, can we give it another thougth?
Would be a shame to not benefit fully of having the knowledge of Eelco, Rob and Domenzka together for just a few short hours in a pub. Provided they would share their knowledge by doing some sort of presentation…
Perhaps it is still possible to get the idea of a one day event as mentioned in Nixos get together in Groningen? - #15 by JosW materialized?