PRs ready for review _

This should get lutris recognized by repology and fills the meta infos here:

This bumps iodine to gain ipv6 support:

Fixes and upgrades broken package habitat:

Removes broken packages that currently do not compile; and have been completely abandoned upstream; and unmaintained within NixPkgs for years:

Cool gnome extensions :slightly_smiling_face:
Can someone please review it? Thanks!


Could anyone review the Traefik v2 NixOS module? Traefik: 1.7.14 -> 2.2.0 by jokogr · Pull Request #76723 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

Thanks in advance!

Zenith - sort of like top or htop but with zoom-able charts, network, and disk usage


psc-package won’t build anymore using haskellPackages, which breaks insect at least.

Sound card didn’t work correctly on the desktop after switching to nixos, enable the necessary config option:

May I have some eyes on my PR? It’s about 3 weeks old at this point.

Here is my PR to update a 3ds emulator (9 days since posted):

It’s been a couple of weeks since anyone looked at this PR, it could really use a review

This PR has been reviewed and it has been out there for a while! :slight_smile:

Thanks guys!

If it has been reviewed, it probably belongs in

Opened two weeks ago:
~~ [Edit 2020-04-22: Has been approved now. :tada:]
First step to make that shell usable as a login shell on NixOS.

Related forum thread:

I have got this one! Which is a browser. It got reviewed and the changes were approuved!

Thank you guys!

NOTE: I will be adding the backports to this post later today

Approved by two reviewers (including me):

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