PRs ready for review _

Package looking for review (module has already been reviewed and approved):

Hi, I’m looking for reviews for


Test automation for fetchers!

They used to be tricky to hack on because they don’t re-run after completing once. With this technique, we can have tests as usual.

Can someone take a look at this, that has been ignored for a couple of weeks (maintainer is not responding, and the same happened with #134390, but that one was merged).

It should be merged, because the complicated license doesn’t allow free distribution of that code.
And I need it to be merged so I can send my other PRs to fix the build on darwin and fix/enable the Python interface.

I can take over maintenance, since I’ve put a lot of work to fix the package (including merged #134390 and #134393, and my upcoming PRs).

Can someone review these PRs open for a couple of weeks?

This change of the resilio-sync module has been sitting for a couple of months. It introduces the option of managing resilio sync secrets using secret files, so those secrets don’t need to end up in the nix store. I’d super appreciate a review!

Working on adding python package typical to nixpkgs. It depends on package future-typing. Have a working derivation for it, but must disable one test file. The test fails because it use an encoder that future-typing install. But it seems that it is not available when tests runs. Any help to get the last test file to work?

It is the header # -*- coding: future_typing -*- in the following file that is making problems:

Here’s a small quality of life improvement for Gradle users. Inconveniently large rebuild for what it is but suppose that cannot be helped.

Not my own PR, but It would nonetheless be great if someone can get this merged.

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git-fast-export: 200213 → 210917 by fabianhjr · Pull Request #142046 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub for the removal of mercurial_4 ( mercurial_4: remove by fabianhjr · Pull Request #142102 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub )

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A few minor changes are pending, but I’d appreciate a review at this stage.