PRs ready for review _

This PR could use some additional attention, it’s already been through some technical revisions:

It’s not really clear to me how long I should let my PRs sit before listing them here, but my trivial macvim update has been sitting for a week.


I’ve also already got an approval from @rycee on this next one but I don’t know if that’s waiting for @Ericson2314 (who’s listed as a code owner of the pkgs/build-support/setup-hooks directory), or if they just wanted someone else to approve it too.

We need someone with some basic nginx knowledge. This PR is pretty simple, but I’ve never used nginx so I just don’t have the context.

Would appreciate a second pair of eyes, or any domain specific experts:

This has been sitting for a while, and I still use this patch in other projects: autoPatchelfHook: Use alternative interpreters in multilib envs by tadfisher · Pull Request #51588 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

I hope I’m not too late for the party, but I have a nice package init waiting:

Mostly needs someone to go over the changes to the script, the changes I am more confident in. Perl is not really in my bailiwick. This one had already bitrotted a bit, and as there are other changes to boot stuff coming, I’d rather not end up maintaining it locally longer-term…

I’m looking for review regarding some changes to the phpfpm module.

I’ve mentioned these before but the following are still waiting either to be reviewed or just merged


And this trivial change is also starting to show its age


I’m looking for review regarding a small change to nixos/display-managers/default.nix : nixos/x11: provide selected session to custom session by pstch · Pull Request #67260 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub

I have pr I submitted and have been using without issue for a while now. Basically it allows sound.mediaKeys to work with pulseaudio. Doesn’t seem like anyone else has had time to review it but it works just fine and hasn’t caused me any issues. Should be ready to merge. Hopefully someone can take a look.

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I’ve got a really old review that was just waiting for someone to test. I’ve been using it for about half a year now though we think it may not work on Desktop environments so if anyone is using a window manager and could quickly check it that would be great.

This is a small but very nice modification of nixos-install that allows to install into an nspawn compatible container (test and documentation included in the PR!). I have already approved it but a second opinion would be very welcome.

This one integrates the orangefs network filesystem into NixOS (intended for HPC environments):

Small technical fix (it disables an impossible flag combination, opencv + cuda + 32bit):

This one is out of scope for me, but the author thinks it is ready.

this one should be pretty ready for merge

I’ve mentioned it before, but my installShellFiles PR is just sitting there waiting for someone to merge it.

I recently did a PR for Softmaker’s FreeOffice. There was a review with useful feedback that I addressed. But then nothing happened:

I have closed the PR, because it turned out to be easy to make a single generic derivation for both FreeOffice and SoftMaker Office, which I submitted in the following PR:

It would be nice to get a review of this PR. It would be extra nice if we had FreeOffice in 19.09 :wink: .

I’ve packaged the system-syzygy game, and it made 20 day it hasn’t receved a suggestion or got merged.

This is great, thank you for doing this. Hope it gets reviewed soon.