Tweag+Nix dev update #50

Hello Nixers! Some news from the Tweag Nix team since the previous update.

Berfore anything else, we’re sad to announce that @solene is leaving Tweag, and wish her the best of success with her new endeavors.
Thank you very much for your dedicated work in open source. In your short time with us you made the Nix ecosystem a better place for everyone.


A (relatively) big focus of the team has been the work on Nickel-Nix.
With the release of Nickel 1.0, we’ve started looking more deeply into this experiment, and see how far we could push it.

  • The first part of that work (thanks to @YorikSar) was to try and port a non-trivial generic shell environments (the Haskell one from this blog post) and see how well we could express it with the current framework.
    As expected, the result was mixed: Writing the definition was a bit more painful than Nix (and some things couldn’t be implemented at all), but using it is quite nicer, and (although that doesn’t show in this example) much more flexible.
  • @balsoft also started looking into generating Github action files straight from the Nickel shell declaration to reduce boilerplate.
  • Most of the rest of the work has been cleaning (thanks @YorikSar and @balsoft) up the codebase which was very quickly crammed together before last FOSDEM, so not much to show there.
    An interesting refactoring was #79 which went through some clever hops to remove the need for --impure on Nickel-Nix powered shells.
  • Trying to look into the future, @thufschmitt opened #82 which documents the (hopefully) future state of the project.




A few months ago @ConnorBaker to improve the state of the CUDA ecosystem packaging in Nixpkgs in his free time.
This caught the attention of a few others, so that PDT Partners decided to help Tweag kickstart funding for his work in order to give him time to coordinate the effort around this.
The CUDA team roadmap announcement sums up the past and future work, which sets a example in terms of community initiative.

Teaching and documentation

Community work

@fricklerhandwerk was appointed NGI project manager for the NixOS Foundation as an indepentent contractor, and already started working on the relevant items.
@thufschmitt has been working with the foundation board to finalize the contract.

And that’s all, folks.


This was great working with Tweag Nix team :slight_smile: I enjoyed doing the dev update too, it was fun and I liked engaging with the opportunity :star_struck:

I’ll still be around in Nix community anyway, so we will keep in touch :ok_hand:


also started looking into generating Github action files straight from the Nickel shell declaration to reduce boilerplate.

I’d like to learn more. This is top of my mind, atm.

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