The Nix Hour, a weekly Nix Q&A Lecture by Tweag

The Nix Hour is a public weekly beginner-oriented improvised QA-style lecture on Nix. Every week we focus on a single topic from this issue tracker, so write down your proposal there ahead of time, the weekly topic is picked a day in advance. The Nix Hour is sponsored by Tweag and currently hosted by @Infinisil and @YorikSar as a co-host :sparkles:

Quick info


If you want notifications you can either:

  • Subscribe and enable notifications for the Tweag YouTube channel. The live-stream will be scheduled at least a day beforehand
  • Join the Matrix room, the room will get pinged about an hour beforehand


Internally this was started by @layus in a different format, but eventually I took over and changed it to this Q&A lecture style. We’ve seen this work really well within Tweag and figured it would be very useful to open it to the public. So the first public Nix Hour was already held in-person at Nixcon titled “QA Nix Lecture”, and it’s happened regularly every week since then :slight_smile:


The Google Meet link is broken for me

Oh no, I didn’t paste the https:// in the beginning, sorry for that! We just had the Nix hour, apparently some people still managed to join despite that. I fixed the link for the future, and soon I’ll upload this weeks recording to YouTube.

The second recording from yesterday is now uploaded:


Would you be willing to take pre-submitted questions for those of us who will be sleeping or unable to attend but want to interact and view the videos later?

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We always need some prompt to start off with and this would take care of that, I’d say let’s try it out! So feel free to ask questions in this thread and we can take a look at them in the next Nix Hour :slight_smile:


The last week’s Nix Hour recording is here.

Reminder that the next Nix Hour will be tomorrow (Thursday) 14:00 CET in this Google meet, feel free to bring any question about Nix and we’ll try our best to answer them :slight_smile:

Some updates:

  • I have created Issues · tweag/nix-hour · GitHub to track questions for the Nix hour, feel free to open issues for any questions you’d like to be talked about during the weekly session, and :+1: on the existing issues you’re most interested in!
  • We’ll use Jitsi for the session instead: Jitsi Meet
  • With Jitsi, we can now also live-stream directly to YouTube! Feel free to ask questions in the live stream chat during the session. The recordings will continue to be added to the Nix Hour Playlist.

The first live-streamed Nix Hour will be this Thursday 14:00 CEST.

(Note that I also updated the top-most post with this information)


The next Nix hour will be tomorrow, I’m now scheduling the live streams ahead of time, making it much easier to see when they happen, here’s the one for tomorrow:

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The next Nix Hour will be this Thursday, 14:00 CET in this jitsi meet or live on YouTube. Anybody is welcome to join and ask questions about Nix or just listen in, and if nobody has a question we’ll continue going through the nix-hour issues with the most :+1: (at least the ones I can answer!). So feel free to :+1: the existing ones or even add your own issue! All sessions are also recorded live and available on the YouTube playlist. Some time after the session I’ll also be annotating it with tags in the title and timestamps.


Hi @Infinisil , thank you heaps for the Nix Hour sessions. I watch it all the time from recording. In addition to the explanations you provide, it is very interesting to see how you work with the source code in general.

Thank you !


The next Nix Hour will be this Thursday, 14:00 CET in this jitsi meet or live on YouTube. Anybody is welcome to join and ask questions about Nix or just listen in, and if nobody has a question we’ll continue going through the nix-hour issues with the most :+1: (at least the ones I can answer!). So feel free to :+1: the existing ones or even add your own issue! All sessions are also recorded live and available on the YouTube playlist. Some time after the session I’ll also be annotating it with tags in the title and timestamps.

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The next Nix Hour will be this Thursday, 14:00 CET in this jitsi meet or live on YouTube. Anybody is welcome to join and ask questions about Nix or just listen in, and if nobody has a question we’ll continue going through the nix-hour issues with the most :+1: (at least the ones I can answer!). So feel free to :+1: the existing ones or even add your own issue! All sessions are also recorded live and available on the YouTube playlist. Some time after the session I’ll also be annotating it with tags in the title and timestamps.

Feels a bit weird to always just copy the same text, I just want to announce that the next one again happens this Thursday, same time as always, links are above :slight_smile:

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Next Nix Hour is tomorrow on Thursday, 14:00 CET as always, feel free to join to listen in or ask any Nix questions you might have!

The next Nix Hour is tomorrow (, same time. However I just opened a poll here to potentially find a better time for future sessions, please add your vote if you’re interested!

The next Nix Hour is tomorrow (, still at the same time as before, 14:00 CET. I will close the above poll before the session though and announce the new time based on the results.

The new time is decided now, it’s going to be Monday Tuesday, 19:00 CEST! As also announced in the last Nix Hour, let’s take a week break though, the next session will be in a week:

As always, I encourage you to join the meetings (meeting link) to ask questions directly. But you can also ask questions in advance by opening issues in GitHub - tweag/nix-hour: Questions for the weekly Nix Hour :slight_smile:

Made a mistake, it’s Tuesday, not Monday! I corrected the above message :slight_smile:

Since nobody joined the last Nix Hour, despite polling for a better time, and from some feedback on YouTube, I decided to create a Matrix channel for notifications. So if you want to get a notification about an hour before the Nix Hour starts, join! This room can also be used for any Nix Hour-related discussions or feedback.

Since we have a Matrix room now, I’m not sure if I should continue posting these messages here to inform about the Nix Hour, but for today I still will:

The next Nix Hour is tomorrow, Tuesday 19:00 CEST in this Jitsi or live on YouTube.